OGAN ILIR, SOUTH SUMATERA — Among the many creatures that Allah subhanahu wata’ala created, there are women who are made special with various characteristics and natures that only exist in them, menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. With this destiny, the Creator made women the medium for the birth of humans on this earth.
But as we all know, giving birth is not only about having a child, but also the mother’s struggle to endure nausea, pain, and risking her life for the sake of her beloved baby.
Dompet Dhuafa through the Free Health Services (LKC) Dompet Dhuafa endeavors to bring more midwives in remote areas of the country to help prospective mothers care for the baby during the womb until it is born into the world and minimize the risk of maternal death during childbirth.
On Monday (7/11/2022), in order to succeed the Midwives for the Country (BUN) program LKC Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra had an audience with the Regent of Ogan Ilir, Panca Wijaya Akbar. During the brief meeting, Panca expressed his support for efforts to alleviate poverty problems, especially in the Ogan Ilir district.
“Thank you, support to the LKC Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra team with this Midwife for the Country (BUN) program,” he said.
The visit, which was directly led by the head of the South Sumatra LKC Dompet Dhuafa clinic Tri Hartati, continued to the Ogan Ilir Regency Health Office. Which was welcomed directly by the Head of Head of Public Health Sasmita and Head of Family Welfare Rahmaini Jayanti.
“We are very supportive of this program running in Ogan Ilir district, from the Ogan Ilir Health Office will recommend which villages are in accordance with the criteria of the South Sumatra Dompet Dhuafa Midwife for the Country (BUN) program,” said Sasmita.
Sasmita further said that in order to support the smooth running of the program, the Ogan Ilir Health Office is ready to facilitate connecting to related agencies under the coordination of the Ogan Ilir Health Office.
Sri Hartati on the occasion of the discussion conveyed in the context of placement and support for the Midwife for the Country (BUN) program which will later be placed in one of the villages in the Ogan Ilir area for 2 (two) years.
“Bidan Untuk Negeri (BUN) is a program that aims to increase access to maternal and infant health services in locations that do not have adequate access due to many factors, the main of which is geographical location. Midwives will act as providers of maternal and child health services and at the same time as community empowerment in the health sector in accordance with the authority and scope of this program,” she said.
“This program is a community health empowerment program that focuses on preventing stunting through specific and sensitive interventions, assisting posyandu and increasing the capacity of cadres, especially in managing mothers and children with nutritional problems, as well as detection and referral services for non-communicable diseases in accordance with their competence and authority,” concluded Tri Hartati. (Dompet Dhuafa / South Sumatra)