JAKARTA — At present, the sharia industry has made an important contribution in driving the economy of society and the state. In line with that, as a form of appreciation for the sharia industry for its participation in supporting economic growth, creating equity, and improving people’s welfare, Republika again held Anugerah Syariah Republika (ASR) 2022.
This event is a tribute and award for the sharia industry, and this year is the 6th year Republika has held ASR. Anugerah Syariah Republika 2022, which was held on Tuesday (29/11/2022) at The Sultan Hotel & Residence, Jakarta, carried the theme “Recovering and Resilient with Sharia Economy”.
The theme was chosen because Republika realizes that all sharia economic and financial actors have their respective roles in raising the industry. This event is dedicated to the sharia industry and its players for their work so far in building the country. Irfan Junaidi, Editor-in-Chief of Republika also expressed his gratitude to all parties who have been involved in the Sharia Industry.

“This award is nothing more than our gratitude for all those who have worked hard to develop the sharia economic ecosystem in Indonesia,” said Irfan.
Furthermore, Irfan hopes that the sharia industry can continue to grow and spawn many breakthroughs to develop the Islamic economy in this country.
“The challenges never stop, it all requires breakthroughs and anticipation so that it can be relevant and we believe that this Islamic financial institution can continue to adapt to changing times,” said Irfan, Tuesday (11/29/2022).
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Meanwhile, there are several changes in the implementation of ASR 2022, one of which is the addition of the investment category, because it sees the rise of this trend during the pandemic. That way, this year there are 25 categories of ASR 2022 award recipients given to sharia economic actors.
Chairman of the ASR 2022 Jury, Nur Hasan Murtiaji, revealed that this year’s assessment is different from previous ASRs. The ASR 2022 assessment has three main categories, namely infrastructure, performance and campaign.
“These categories allow companies to be assessed on an equal playing field, not to forget the innovation and breakthroughs that are important points in the program that are included in the jury’s assessment,” said Hasan.
It is known that in the development of Islamic economy and finance in 2021 and the first half of 2022, the atmosphere of economic recovery is still the main mode of Islamic economic and financial problems. Some of them managed to rise and are now starting expansion, so the ASR 2022 winners are the best in their categories.