Babagi Kanyang, Dompet Dhuafa Singgalang Distributes Dozens of Food Packages for Residents in Need

Babagi Kanyang Dompet Dhuafa Singgalang

PADANG, WEST SUMATRA — Dompet Dhuafa again distributed food packages to brothers and sisters in need in Padang through the “Babagi Kanyang” Program. Previously, Dompet Dhuafa Singgalang had also distributed these food packages to nine other districts / cities in West Sumatra.

“There were dozens of packages distributed, the distribution was assisted by PL students from UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar,” said Amrul, PIC of the Dompet Dhuafa Singgalang Program Team on Friday (8/9/2023).

As a Muslim who is taught to always share with others, we have a responsibility for the hunger felt by fellow Muslim brothers and sisters or people out there. Sharing is not just about helping people, but sharing also brings happiness to the people we give, and can also be a guarantor for the giver to enter heaven.

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“Whoever feeds a believer until he is satisfied from hunger, Allah will enter him into one of the doors of Paradise that no one else enters.” (HR. Thabrani)

The Babagi Kanyang program itself has been running since November 18, 2021, and is still running until now. During that time, there have been tens of thousands of food packages distributed to 9 districts / cities in West Sumatra. There are various groups who are the beneficiaries of this food package, ranging from public transportation drivers, farmers, traders, pedicab drivers, fishermen, janitors, and other poor people.

The existence of the Babagi Kanyang Program is inseparable from the support and trust given by donors. Every Friday, there are dozens of food packages distributed directly to the mustahik.

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“Alhamdulillah, this program has been running for almost two years and continues to expand support from donors for others. Babagi Kanyang is a program to share food to those in need.”
“Last Friday (8/9/2023), we distributed nutritious food packages to the poor and family fighters, such as city transportation drivers, rickshaw pullers, fishermen, janitors and others in need.”
“Thank you donors, let’s expand kindness to others,” said Hadi Bandariyan as Branch Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Singgalang.

Read also: LPM Distributes 700 Nutritious Food Packages on National Nutrition Day

From this sharing, we can carve a happy smile on their faces, the beneficiaries. Hopefully this sharing activity can be useful for those in need.

Thank you dear donors, may Allah Swt reward you for what you have given. Hopefully this food can increase the nutrition of our brothers and sisters and reap blessings. Aamiin …. (Dompet Dhuafa/Syafira)