In today’s digital era, technological advancements have changed almost every aspect of human life, including Islamic philanthropy, especially waqf. Digital transformation in waqf collection and management is a necessity. Otherwise, waqf will lose its potential and soon be abandoned by the next generation.
It may not be that bad, but what is clear is that the concept of waqf will go nowhere and further away from building civilization through the instrument of waqf. The presence of technological advancement is both an opportunity and a challenge. It depends on how today’s Islamic generation optimizes the potential of waqf by combining waqf literacy, value co-creation and the latest technology.
Waqf Literacy: The Foundation of Building Islamic Civilization
Waqf is one of the instruments in Islam that allows individuals to contribute to social and economic development in a sustainable manner. In simple terms, waqf can be defined as the transfer of ownership rights of an object or asset to retain its principal, and channel its benefits for the public interest. Waqfed assets may not be sold, inherited, or donated, but must be utilized for the welfare of the community.
Unlike zakat, which has certain conditions and calculations, waqf goes far beyond that. While zakat is based on what we have, waqf is based on what others need. Waqf can be done by anyone who still has human values. Waqf it’s another level.
According to data from the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI), the potential of waqf in Indonesia is huge, especially in the form of waqf land. The total potential of waqf land in Indonesia is estimated to reach 420 thousand hectares or about 6.3 times the size of Jakarta. Unfortunately, only around 30 percent of the total amount is utilized productively.
In addition, according to BWI, the potential of cash waqf in Indonesia is huge, estimated to reach Rp180 trillion per year. The amount of cash waqf potential can be used to build 36,000 schools with complete facilities or to build 900 to 1,800 type C hospitals or help 18 million Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with capital loans of IDR 10 million per MSME. Isn’t it amazing the potential of waqf in Indonesia?
Today’s Islamic philanthropy relay is starting to roll over to Generation Z, known as digital natives, those who were born and grew up in the digital era. They are very familiar with digital technology from an early age, so technology has become an inseparable part of their daily lives.
This generation is known for being adaptable to technological advancements and having an open mind to new things. They tend to actively participate for something that they think has value to them. Introducing the concept of waqf to this generation will bring tremendous blessings in building civilization.
Perhaps today in terms of economic stability, they are pioneering, in a lower level position. But ten to twenty years later, they will fill the managerial ranks. We don’t need to wait for that, the little wealth they set aside regularly will have a massive impact. Given that the majority of Indonesian society today is of productive age, namely Generation Z. By instilling waqf literacy in them today, it will form a solid foundation of waqf civilization.
Read also: Benefits of Waqf for Wakif, Endless Jariyah Almsgiving
Co-create Values and Engage Them
Value is important to Gen Z. They often seek personal experiences in order to find meaning in life. Improving waqf literacy to this generation will not be effective if we still use conventional methods such as seminars, lectures, and the like. We need to create shared values and involve them in waqf projects, both in terms of campaigning and distributing waqf benefits. Both of these not only provide knowledge, but also experiences that touch their emotions.
There are several ways to create shared value and involve them in waqf projects, such as through gamification by forming communities or interest-based groups that focus on philanthropy. With gamification, everything becomes fun and achievable. Just like when we play a game and get rewarded when we are able to complete a certain mission.
In engaging the younger generation, we need to present relevant waqf program projects with a focus on current issues that young people are passionate about, such as environment and health. With this approach, we are able to create a waqf ecosystem that encourages Gen Z’s active involvement and increases the social and economic value of the waqf practice itself.
Technological Advancement: A Catalyst for Waqf Literacy
If shared values are established, the younger generation will automatically participate in waqf by utilizing digital technology. Currently, various digital platforms have provided facilities for online waqf, making the process easier, faster, and more transparent. The online waqf process generally involves simple steps: the user selects the type of waqf they wish to give, specifies the amount or value of the waqf assets starting from IDR10,000, and makes payment through the method provided. With technology, waqf is no longer limited by time and place, allowing more people to contribute anytime and anywhere.
By creating shared value and involving them in waqf projects, the future of waqf may be bright. Reminding us of the glory of Islam, which is very familiar and close to waqf in building civilization. Not only does it contribute to helping the government build the nation, but it also elevates the dignity of Islam. If these two things have been fulfilled, the advancement of digital technology will further strengthen and become a catalyst to build a prosperous civilization.
How, are you ready to build a Gen Z-style Islamic civilization through the touch of a finger?
Author: Mohamad Hafiz
Editor: Ronna