Business Revolution 2024 Participants Donate for Ternate Flash Flood Victims through Dompet Dhuafa

Peserta seminar TDW Resource (kiri), Dimas Muttakhin (tengah) dan Tung Desem Waringin (kanan) saat melangsungkan inisiasi kebaikan bantuan untuk korban banjir bandang Ternate pada sebuah seminar bertajuk ‘Business Revolution 2024’, Sabtu (31/08/2024).

SOUTH TANGERANG, BANTENTDW Resource initiated kindness in the form of assistance for Ternate flash flood victims. This humanitarian assistance was handed over through Dompet Dhuafa at a seminar entitled Business Revolution 2024 which was held at The Agathon Tangerang Meeting House, Saturday (31/8/2024).

It is known that the Ternate flash flood occurred on Tuesday (25/8/2024) in the early morning which hit the Rua Village area, Ternate Island. This incident resulted in dozens of damaged houses and dozens of people died. Based on the Situation Report (Sitrep) of DMC (Disaster Management Center) Dompet Dhuafa dated August 30, 2024, the Ternate City Government declared a 14-day emergency response to floods and landslides (August 25-September 7, 2024). The evacuation process is still being attempted even though it is constrained by the weather which is still high in rainfall.

Business Revolution Seminar is an annual event held by TDW (Tung Desem Waringin) Resource – an institution engaged in Event Organizer and educational seminars. This seminar is attended by many successful entrepreneurs from various fields. Tung Desem Waringin, Founder of TDW Resource, explained that it is better to give a favor that has a response back from the person who was given and can be more productive.

“There is one way giving and two way giving. One way giving is okay if it is for an emergency such as a disaster, it is given immediately. If it is not an emergency, two way giving is better. When help is given, there is a response back with effort from the person receiving the help,” said Pak Tung.

Read also: Ternate Flash Flood, Here’s Dompet Dhuafa’s Rapid Response Action

TDW Resource seminar participants (left), Dimas Muttakhin (center) and Tung Desem Waringin (right) during the initiation of aid for Ternate flash flood victims at a seminar entitled Business Revolution 2024, Saturday (31/08/2024).

Dimas Muttakhin, Community Relation Dompet Dhuafa, added that in practice Dompet Dhuafa has both methods.

“Yes, Dompet Dhuafa has a program that gives one-way or directly to people in need. For example, in our social program, we help people who are in debt, redeem certificates, business capital assistance for the poor, and so on. Of course, by first making sure who the recipients are so that they are right on target,” Dimas explained.

“And we also have productive programs, social funds or zakat are used to establish free hospitals as well as the Institute of Independence which focuses on providing vocational training. For example, training in gadget repair, motorcycle repair, fashion, and others. The participants have the will but have limitations, some are dhuafa and also disabled,” Dimas added.

Read also: Dompet Dhuafa’s Collaborative Efforts for Waste Management in Ternate

Pak Tung also reiterated that this is one of the reasons for donating through Dompet Dhuafa, which has been trusted in distributing social assistance.

“This is the reason I share through Dompet Dhuafa, and the great thing is that this assistance is on behalf of the participants. Hopefully it can be a blessing again for all participants,” concluded Mr. Tung.

At the end of the opportunity, Dimas also explained that Dompet Dhuafa targeted that productive assistance could realize the hope from mustahik to muzakki (from beneficiaries to people who provide assistance). (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photo: Dimas Muttakhin
Editor: Dhika