JAKARTA — In the first session of the seminar, Bambang Suherman as Program Director of Dompet Dhuafa, conveyed the role of NGOs/social institutions towards the implementation of CSV in Indonesia. Dompet Dhuafa seeks to intensify area-based community empowerment programs through the concept of the Madaya Area Program (Masyarakat Berdaya).
“The Madaya area is developing an economic empowerment program to productive zakat. Appreciation to for example agrinesia who dare to go down and embrace small MSMEs together. Hopefully today, through CSV, all challenges will be answered in strengthening CSV. We use this space to design programs together. Work systems, service principles, and intervention patterns. Don’t stop correcting if you want to keep growing. Today, Dompet Dhuafa is the institution that is most ready to work together in implementing CSV,” said Bambang.
Yes, for 30 years Dompet Dhuafa in its management has put forward the concept of compassion or love as the root of a philanthropic movement that prioritizes five program pillars, namely health, education, economy, social, and da’wah and culture. Dompet Dhuafa seeks to expand the benefits (social impact) for the community through the potential for cooperation that can be collaborated between companies and social institutions.
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The presence of Creating Shared Value (CSV) which carries a concept of community approach with each company must form an economic value and social value together (Widodo, 2022). CSV integrates community issues and challenges into the creation of economic and social value (Porter, 2013).
Porter argues that Creating Shared Value opens up new needs, new markets, new value chain configurations, and new ways of thinking about business, creating new opportunities for strategic positioning and new competitive advantages. In this case, the company should include a social dimension in the company’s value proposition, adding a social dimension makes the strategy more sustainable.
The implementation of CSV in the company is expected to not only be able to create synergy between the company and the community, but also act as a business opportunity, namely the company can turn social problems into business opportunities that can later be utilized both by the community and by the company.
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Opening the discussion topic, Setyo Budiantoro as the SDGs Secretariat of the Ministry of PPN/BAPPENAS revealed that although Indonesia is not the best, but related to SDGs, its progress has increased. It is ranked in the 70s after 4 years earlier it was ranked in the 120s. CSV and SDGs are interrelated, namely answering social and environmental needs, all industrial sectors are closely related to SDGs.
“CSV is shared value creation. What is relevant? There is meaning, something beyond profit, which also brings improved performance and productivity. We all need to work together. The current challenge is achieving collaboration. Government and parliament, philanthropy and business, academics and experts, community organizations and media,” Setyo said.
Data from TOP CSV Award 2021 shows that the number of companies in Indonesia that have successfully implemented CSV Programs is still less than 50 companies, while in 2023 the application of CSR will increase by 17.4% based on TOP CSR Award 2023. The potential for companies to implement CSV can certainly be greater after exploring how CSV can have an impact on the company through this event.
This is also in line with Indonesia’s commitment to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the sustainable improvement of people’s economic welfare, development that maintains the sustainability of people’s social lives, development that maintains the quality of the environment and development that ensures justice and the implementation of governance that is able to maintain the improvement of the quality of life from one generation to the next.
Nandrianto Suparno, Partnership Team of Dompet Dhuafa who is also the Event Chair of CSV Connect 2023 stated, “CSV is a sustainable program development to overcome various problems in this country that cannot be done by working alone. Too big a problem, too few resources. So all layers need to join hands, build collaboration, and act together to overcome various social problems, gaps and inequality in this country.”
Nandrianto Suparno, Partnership Team of Dompet Dhuafa who is also the Event Chair of CSV Connect 2023 stated, “CSV is a sustainable program development to overcome various problems in this country that cannot be done by working alone. Too big a problem, too few resources. So all layers need to join hands, build collaboration, and act together to overcome various social problems, gaps and inequality in this country.” (Dompet Dhuafa/Dhika Prabowo/Syafira)