YOGYAKARTA — As an amil institution, Dompet Dhuafa not only focuses on distributing social assistance from zakat funds, infak, alms, and waqf (Ziswaf), but also focuses on community empowerment. It is known that in December 2022, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) stated that there are 26.36 million poor people in Indonesia. This number is certainly not small.
Many factors influence poverty in Indonesia. Starting from an inadequate minimum wage and poor standard of living to low education. Low education and uneven facilities are also fundamental factors in why poverty persists in this country. Because of these factors, not a few Indonesian people are less empowered to be able to improve their economic capabilities.
Seeing this problem, Dompet Dhuafa also tried to find a solution to unravel and solve it. One of the efforts is to initiate the DD Farm Livestock Center Program. The program, which focuses on improving the community’s economy, aims to empower poor people, to be able to raise livestock to establish their own livestock businesses.
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DD Farm has a working concept of recruiting beneficiaries with benefit recipients (mustahik) criteria to work in livestock sheds for two years. But they will work and be given knowledge and training about animal husbandry. Then after two years, these beneficiaries will get capital in the form of sheep/goats with the aim that they can apply their livestock knowledge by running their own business.
Established in 2021, now in 2023 DD Farm has been present in 12 points throughout Indonesia. One is in Yogyakarta, precisely in Panjangrejo Village, Pundong District, Bantul Regency, now called DD Farm Pundong. Like DD Farm in other regions, DD Farm Pundong recruits local people who later become cage subordinates (ABK) to work and learn about animal husbandry at DD Farm.
One of DD Farm Pundong’s beneficiaries, Kamesan (49), also told the story of his journey with DD Farm Pundong since becoming a fisherman there. Before joining DD Farm Pundong, Kamesan’s job was as a freelancer.
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“I have been a fisherman for about a year. I also participated in the early step of the process of establishing the cage (pioneering). Previously, casual workers (farm workers and handymen),” Kamesan admitted when met by the Dompet Dhuafa Team.
Not only that, the man from Ngentak Village, Seloharjo, Pudong, Bantul, has also established a cattle business. However, his livestock business ended up out of business due to inadequate livestock knowledge. Then, since joining DD Farm Pundong, Kamesan admitted that he had become more masterful of animal husbandry. Because at DD Farm, Kamesan not only works but also is given knowledge about the ins and outs of raising livestock.
“(It was) once cattle. The difference (between raising your cattle and raising cattle at DD Farm is) how to feed livestock. The cow needs to be drilled or given water if the goat just flows water, “explained Kamesan.
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Furthermore, Kamesan also talked about the ups and downs during his time as a cage subordinate at DD Farm Pundong. What makes him happy to be at DD Farm Pundong is caring for livestock, which feels like caring for his own livestock.
“I Like being here,getting knowledge, and having experience with livestock. Watching the animals are healthy makes me satisfied,” Kamesan said.
“It’s sad that many people die. There is usually a dead adaptation time. Because it’s like caring for your livestock,” he continued.
Because it has proven to benefit himself and the community around DD Farm Pundong, the father of two children also hopes that the cage in Yogyakarta will be broader with livestock that will increase. Because the more expansive the place, the more livestock, the more people are helped and the economy is lifted.
“The hope is that this cage will not become extinct, increase, and get bigger so that it can empower more people. There continue to be many who benefit from this cage,” Kamesan said. (Dompet Dhuafa/Ronna)