MALAYSIA — Sheikh Dr Said Foudah is a familiar name among scientists today. Especially for lovers of kalam and philosophy. Sheikh Said Foudah’s expertise in the field of sharia science, especially in the fields of kalam, mantiq, and usul fiqh, is undoubted. No wonder his name is so great throughout the world.
Sheikh Said’s struggle in fighting for the belief of Ahli Sunnah wal Jama’ah (Asha’irah & Maturidiyah) was so great that he was given the nickname ‘Saifus Sunnah’ which means the sword of the Sunnah.
On Wednesday (20/3/2024), Dompet Duafa’s Dai Ambassador for the Malaysian assignment, Ustaz Ahmad Damsah Nasution had the opportunity to meet Sheikh Said Foudah in an event held by Aslein Malaya: Shai Session Wiht Syaikh Dr Said Fudah. An event that opened a question and answer session about Islamic issues related to belief and philosophy. This event was very interesting and a historical record for the attendees. The grains of kalam in it were so precious that they deserved to be written in gold ink.
Happiness also increased when Dai Ambassador Dompet Duafa got the opportunity to ask questions. The question asked about ‘bulughul da’wah’, where there is a khilaf among scholars regarding the limits of da’wah to someone. Sheikh Said welcomed Ustaz Ahmad Damsah’s question with enthusiasm and explained clearly in about 30 minutes.
In between his answers, Shaykh Said said that he was writing a book specifically on ‘bulughul da’wah’ and that it was about 80 per cent complete. He then went on to say that one or two assemblies were not enough to answer the question. Therefore, Sheikh Said is summarising this theme in a special book that he is writing.
In addition, Ustaz Ahmad Damsah’s happiness as Dai Ambassador of Dompet Duafa was even more perfect when he met his idol, an Indonesian educational figure who is the only direct student of Sheikh Dr Said Foudah in Indonesia, namely Saydil Habib Ali Baqir al Saqqaf. He also realised that Ustaz Ahmad Damsah was a preacher from Dompet Duafa because he saw the cap and Dai Ambassador attributes attached to Ustaz Damsah’s body.
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Dai Ambassador Dompet Duafa is not just preaching, but also learning and learning in order to gain knowledge and experience from others.
‘Thank you to Aslein Malaya for organising this event and thank you also to Saydil Habib Ali for being patient in showing and spreading this kindness. Hopefully this meeting will be a means of goodness for me, Dompet Dhuafa, and all Muslims,’ said Ustaz Damsah.
Wednesday, 20 March 2024
Ahmad Damsah Nasution, Dompet Duafa 2024 Dai Ambassador