Darling Rides Fast to Assist Lampung Flood Survivors

Layanan Pos Hangat Dompet Dhuafa menyediakan makanan dan minuman instan sebagai respons cepat bencana banjir Lampung, Sabtu (18/01/2025).

LAMPUNG – Heavy rains that have been falling since Friday (1/17/2025) afternoon to evening have caused flooding in several areas in Lampung. A total of 19 locations in Bandar Lampung, including Karang City and Way Lunik, were affected by the flood. Two people were reported dead and one person is still missing.

Apart from Bandar Lampung, floods also hit several other areas such as Central Lampung Regency, East Lampung Regency, and Pesawaran Regency. The impact of this disaster was not only felt by the victims who lost their property, but also caused disruption of daily activities and health threats due to dirty puddles. Many residents were forced to temporarily evacuate to safer places, while others are still struggling to clean their homes from the mud.

Responding to this emergency situation, on Friday night, Dompet Dhuafa Lampung immediately sent a humanitarian team to the affected location. Dompet Dhuafa Lampung Branch Manager, Nandriyanto, explained that their team together with local volunteers conducted initial assessments in the two worst-hit points, namely Way Lunik and Kota Karang. The results of the assessment showed that many residents needed immediate assistance, especially in the form of food, clean water, and cleaning supplies.

Read also: Handling Sukabumi Flash Flood, Dompet Dhuafa Conducts Evacuation to Establish a Public Kitchen

Dompet Dhuafa Lampung team mapping the response to the Lampung flood, Saturday (01/18/2025).
Dompet Dhuafa Lampung team conducted an assessment of the Lampung flood, Saturday (01/18/2025).

The head of RT 01 Kelurahan Kota Karang, Alfan, described the flooding conditions in his area, which reached the height of an adult’s waist. He also expressed concern about potential diseases that might arise, such as diarrhea and skin infections, because the stagnant water was polluted.

“The flood in our area is as high as an adult’s waist. Currently, the residents are still cleaning up due to the impact of the flood and a lot of mud has entered the residents’ houses,” he said, Saturday (01/18/2025).

As a first step, after conducting an assessment, the Dompet Dhuafa Lampung team distributed aid in the form of ready-to-eat food and opened a temporary warm post for the affected victims. This post is a place for residents to warm themselves, share stories, and receive further assistance.

“Alhamdulillah, thank you Dompet Dhuafa Lampung, may you always be blessed and successful,” said Alfan gratefully.

Meanwhile, Adit (12), a child flood survivor, also expressed his happiness for the assistance provided. “Thank you, sis,” he said with a smile.
Adit admitted that he was still afraid if it rained again with high intensity, but the help from Dompet Dhuafa reduced his worries a little.

Read also: Dompet Dhuafa Evacuates Pekalongan Flood Survivors

The distribution of aid in the form of a warm post by providing instant food and drinks as a quick response to Lampung flood survivors, Saturday (01/18/2025).
The distribution of aid in the form of a warm post by providing instant food and drinks as a quick response to Lampung flood survivors, Saturday (01/18/2025).

Furthermore, Dompet Dhuafa Lampung also plans to continue relief efforts in the form of long-term assistance. They will provide health and psychosocial assistance for affected residents, considering that this disaster experience can leave deep trauma. In addition, the team also plans to distribute school supplies to help children return to learning after the disaster, as well as hygiene kits to prevent the emergence of various diseases.

People affected by the disaster are still in dire need of helping hands, especially assistance in the form of clean water, cleaning equipment, bedding, and basic necessities. Dompet Dhuafa Lampung invites the wider community to participate in helping the victims to recover from this disaster. Donations can be channeled through official posts or accounts that have been provided. With mutual cooperation and mutual care, it is hoped that the victims can immediately get up and return to live their lives as before.

Quoting news from Antara News, on Monday (20/01/2025), BPBD recapitulation data shows that the flood disaster in Lampung Province has affected 20 sub-districts and 124 villages with a total of 13,187 houses affected and two people died.

As a humanitarian organization, Dompet Dhuafa Lampung emphasizes its commitment to continue to be present in the midst of people in need, especially in emergency situations such as natural disasters. Official donations for the Lampung flood disaster can be made through ddlampung.org/campaign/banjirlampung, or by transferring to the account numbers 7153983105 (BSI) and 009801005595306 (BRI).

“This is part of our responsibility as fellow human beings. We must help each other, because their suffering is our suffering together,” concluded Nandriyanto, Sunday (01/19/2025). (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photo: Riza Muthohar, DD Lampung

Editor: Dhika