CIANJUR, WEST JAVA — Hundred thousands of Cianjur earthquake victims had been displaced to various places. They were scattered in hundreds of evacuation points. Since the second day of the earthquake, Tuesday (22/11/2022), the Disaster Management Center (DMC) assessment team of Dompet Dhuafa had continued to sweep each evacuation site. This was done in an effort to record the urgent needs of survivors. Various actions had also been carried out by Dompet Dhuafa organs, including DMC, Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-cuma (LKC), Lembaga Pelayan Masyarakat (LPM), Badan Pemulasaraan Jenazah (Barzah), Lembaga Pengembangan Insani (LPI), Dai Cordofa, and many others.
In the monitoring results, Dompet Dhuafa found that there was still lack of public facilities in the refuge camp, especially prayer rooms and toilets. In every refuge camp, complaints were often made about the lack of toilet facilities. The residents hoped for additional assistance in toilet facilities and clean water.
In one of refuge camps in Pakuon Village, Sukaresmi District, Cianjur Regency, as many as 125 refugees complained about inadequate toilets. Residents there took the initiative to build an emergency toilet in the rice field irrigation stream. The toilet was made by plugging 4 (four) wooden slats in the shape of a box, then closing it using a sarong and tarpaulin. As for the water, residents who were defecating, immediately took the water underneath.
In one of refuge camps in Benjot Village, Cugeunang District, Cianjur Regency, residents set up emergency toilets of the same model. Sadly, besides the water used was not flowing, the location of the toilet was close to the refuge tent and the public kitchen. One of the local refugees, Cucu Nur Jannah (35), revealed that this toilet was used not only by those who were displaced in the tent where she lived, but also residents from other refuge camps also used the toilet.
“As for the water, we take it underneath,” she said.
Adib Al Irfani as the coordinator of Dompet Dhuafa satellite post in Cipanas said that the toilets were used by 125 residents from 2 pillars of neighbors. These toilets were already there, along with the residents setting up emergency tents for shelter. “It’s very sad to see. Moreover, the water used sometimes does not flow. I’m afraid it’s going to cause diseases,” he said.
True in fact. The Respon Darurat Kesehatan (RDK) team of Dompet Dhuafa, Muhammad Faisal said in each of his reports, that many residents began to complain about stomachache, diarrhea, and itching.
Dompet Dhuafa also invites the good friends to participate in helping to make a semi-permanent healthy toilet to reduce the number of various diseases. On Friday (2/12/2022), Dompet Dhuafa distributed 4 cartons of bio def soap (48 pcs) at the evacuation site in Ciherang Village, RT 01 / RW 06, Buniaga Village, Pacet District. This hygienic equipment assistance is used by 33 families (150 people).
Read also: Dirikan Musala Darurat di Pengungsian Pacet, Kakek Kosasih Salat Lebih Tenang dan Khusyuk
Good friends! #IniTentangKita. With the efforts and confidence that our humanitarian support is helping them, let’s help building adequate toilets for them through (Dompet Dhuafa / Muthohar)