Dompet Dhuafa and Aceh Regional Development Planning Agency Establish Synergy for Productive Waqf Development

Aceh: Dompet Dhuafa collaborated with the Aceh Regional Planning, Research and Development Agency (Bappeda) to hold a Workshop on Strengthening Literacy and Socialization of Aceh’s Productive Waqf Development entitled “Waqf-Based Economic Planning”. The events were held at the Grand Arabia hotel, Banda Aceh City, Aceh Province.

The Head of the Economic Development Planning and Natural Resources Division of Bappeda Aceh, Reza Ferdian, expressed his highest gratitude to Dompet Dhuafa for supporting this workshop by presenting the General Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Waqf Collection.

“Hopefully, we can follow Dompet Dhuafa’s best practice in developing productive waqf in the health and education sectors in Aceh,” said Ferdian when giving a speech on Wednesday (14/12/2022).

Workshop on Strengthening Literacy and Socialization of Aceh’s Productive Waqf Development.

 The General Manager of the Collection of Waqf Dompet Dhuafa, Bobby P. Manullang, assessed that increasing waqf literacy is essential to boost waqf benefit. Thus, the community will encourage participation in waqf.

“This is our main task as nazhir and waqf activists. Literacy regarding waqf is the key to waqf marketing and fundraising success, ” Bobby said while attending the event.

Material Presentation by Bobby P. Manullang, General Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Waqf Collection.

Bobby also gave tips on building public trust in Nazhir that the waqf they had donated had been channeled in a trustful manner and was managed productively and professionally.

“It is necessary to invite the community or wakif to visit waqf objects so that they can see firsthand how waqf assets are managed,” explained Bobby.

In closing, Dompet Dhuafa called on all Aceh stakeholders, such as Bappeda (Regional Planning, Research and Development Agency), Baitul Maal, universities and all philanthropic institutions, to work together and collaborate to advance productive waqf according to the potential of each region in Aceh Province. (Dompet Dhuafa/Hafiz).