SOUTH TANGERANG — Dompet Dhuafa Dai Corps (Cordofa) together with Dompet Dhuafa USA delegated Dai Ambassadors to the American region to Canada on October 11 to 28, 2024. The Dai Ambassador is Murniati Mukhlisin who is an expert in Islamic finance. This is an effort by Cordofa, which is a pillar of Dompet Dhuafa’s da’wah, to strengthen efforts and continue to be committed to presenting da’wah programs that are useful, consistent, and reach remote communities in Indonesia to foreign countries.
The American regions on the agenda of the da’wah trip include Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Michigan, Boston, Washington DC, and Virginia, as well as Toronto, Canada. The program activities are in the form of community visits for discussion sessions, recitation / halaqah, to fill the material at the Islamic finance conference at Harvard University.
Murniati Mukhlisin’s presence as Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassador to bring literacy on Islamic issues relevant to the Indonesian diaspora community. In Uncle Sam’s country, Islam is a religion with a relatively small following (minority), only 2% of the total American population. Therefore, as a minority, it must have challenges, both internal and external.
In addition, the State of the Global Islamic Economy Report (SGIE) 2023/22024, compiled by Dinar Standard – a US-based research and consulting firm, revealed that Islamic financial assets are estimated to reach US$3.96 trillion in 2021 and are predicted to grow to US$5.96 trillion by 2026.
Other topics to be discussed include the development of halal industry sectors, such as Islamic finance, halal food and beverages, Muslim-friendly tourism, and halal cosmetics and medicines. In addition, the Muslim clothing industry, as well as Islamic media and recreation will also be discussed.
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Murniati Mukhlisin is a leading expert in the field of Islamic Financial Planning. She holds a Ph.D. in Sharia Accounting from the University of Glasgow, UK, as well as a Ph.D. in Qur’an and Tafsir from PTIQ Jakarta.
Murniati Mukhlisin, who is also known as Madam, said that the material to be presented covers Sharia Finance, including how to manage income, needs, surplus, deficit, and plan financial dreams. In addition, it will also discuss family financial risks, including the calculation of zakat and inheritance. This material is expected to be well received by the community in attendance, including converts.
“The existence of Dompet Dhuafa USA has been heard all the way to its neighboring country. Preaching sharia finance is one of the entrances to explain the beauty of Islam in muamalah transactions which can provide an understanding that Islam is a religion that is Rahmatan Lil ‘alamin,” said Murniati.
Before departure, Tuesday (08/10/24), Dompet Dhuafa held a release meeting at the Dompet Dhuafa Office in the South Tangerang CIP area. The meeting was filled with program strengthening sessions by Ahmad Shonhaji as Director of Yayasan Sumberdaya Masyarakat Indonesia (YSMI) as the implementing partner of the Dompet Dhuafa program. The meeting also aims to provide encouragement and direction that strengthens the da’wah mission that will be carried out.
According to Ahmad Shonhaji, this program is to show the world that Islam is a religion that is Rahmatan lil Alamin, meaning that its presence in the midst of community life is able to create peace and compassion for humans and the universe. It is hoped that this practice can make a major contribution in delivering relevant and useful Islamic messages.
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“Dompet Dhuafa with its five pillar programs covering aspects of education, economy, health, social, da’wah and culture has implemented da’wah of zakat, infaq, sadaqah and waqf (ZISWAF) at the level of action to raise the degree of mustahik. By synergizing with preachers and experts in their fields, hopefully this da’wah will be accepted in the community and become a solution to various life problems,” said Ahmad Shonhaji.
The presence of this program is expected to provide education to the Indonesian diaspora and converts in the United States to deepen their understanding of Islamic principles, especially in the context of Islamic finance and its implementation in everyday life. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photos: Anndini Dwi Putri, Cordofa
Editor: Dhika