Dompet Dhuafa Implements Functional Education Tailored to Regional Needs

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JAKARTA — Beyond formal education, there exist informal and non-formal education systems. Distinguishing itself from these, Dompet Dhuafa introduces a unique educational concept that prioritizes empowerment and regional development in harmony with local traditions. This approach, termed functional education, is spearheaded by Dompet Dhuafa’s Human Development Institute (LPI).

This innovative concept has long been a part of Dompet Dhuafa’s operations. Aligning with its vision to empower communities, each educational program is designed to foster empowerment within the realm of education.

LPI strategically tackles pressing issues by cultivating an education ecosystem focused on functional education. Agung Pardini, Senior Officer for Education Program Development at Dompet Dhuafa, shared insights into this approach at the Philanthropy Building in South Jakarta on Friday (17/1/2022). This method allows local communities to readily embrace the curriculum provided, as it resonates with their cultural practices. Local leaders and educators can further tailor this curriculum to ensure it is even more relevant and accessible to students.

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Dr. Dirgantara Wicaksono sheds light on the application of functional education within his community. 
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Agung Pardini delves into how functional education is realized within LPI Dompet Dhuafa.

“Merely attending school doesn’t guarantee learning. Many assume that schooling equates to being educated, which isn’t necessarily true. Education transcends schooling, and schooling doesn’t always equate to learning. Curricula may not always reflect the local wisdom of each region,” Teacher Agung elaborated.

Echoing Teacher Agung’s sentiments, Dr. Dirgantara Wicaksono, a national education expert, also supports the concept of functional education. He runs Backpacker Teaching Indonesia, a community service initiative aimed at advancing Indonesian education.

As a Permanent Lecturer at the Postgraduate Program of Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta, Dr. Wicaksono explained that Dompet Dhuafa’s functional education concept aligns closely with Backpacker Teaching’s philosophy. Backpacker Teaching’s activities in remote areas consistently incorporate local wisdom. Key figures to empower, in terms of quality, include local leaders, teachers, and stakeholders, particularly the active and driven youth who play a crucial role in developing their regions.

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Participants of the discussion attentively listen to the speakers.
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Asep Sapaat, GM of Human and General Resources at Dompet Dhuafa, engages in a dialogue with the speakers.

Backpacker Teaching usually dedicates two weeks to community service activities. Though brief, the locally adapted curriculum has made a significant impact in each community, especially in fostering education and learning enthusiasm.

“This established circle can undoubtedly be strengthened and expanded. It represents a nurturing ground for the nation’s future leaders. The current need is for rapid, effective support from the central level that benefits local communities,” he asserted.

It’s crucial to remember that volunteers aren’t heroes or kings when they arrive in a community. Their presence, bearing donations, doesn’t automatically make them agents of change; rather, it can inadvertently foster a dependency mindset.

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Achmad Lukman, Humanitarian Academy Manager at DMC Dompet Dhuafa, engages in a discussion with the speakers.

“The essential aspect is cultivating a ‘culture of hope’ among the children and awakening their ‘power of dreams.’ Our goal is to instill dreams and motivation in them to conquer the world,” he added.

LPI Dompet Dhuafa and Backpacker Teaching remain committed to contributing to the realization of equitable education in Indonesia, addressing both infrastructure and human resource needs. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)