Dompet Dhuafa Launches Serambi Budaya of Kampung Silat Lombok (KSL)

LOMBOK, NTB — Dompet Dhuafa launched the Lombok Serambi Budaya program on Sunday (4/12/2022), at the Alzahar NW Setuta Janapria Islamic Boarding School, Central Lombok Regency. This event was attended by GM Budaya & Pendidikan Dompet Dhuafa, Herman Budianto, Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, Head of LKC Dompet Dhuafa NTB, Head of Alzahar NW Islamic Boarding School, Setuta Janapria, and Silat Universities.

Herman Budianto said Dompet Dhuafa continues to be committed to maintaining and preserving the culture of the archipelago. One of the many cultures in Indonesia is the silat culture as an intangible heritage. Commitment to preserving silat culture through traditional silat.

Several traditional silat and Gamelan Lombok communities in Central Lombok were also invited to participate in the inauguration of this Serambi Budaya. There were also hundreds of participants who attended this event.

Also Read: Serambi Budaya Kalimantan Berbuah Ekonomi bagi Masyarakat Seruyan

The appearance of a silat from one of the universities.

Dompet Dhuafa‘s programs always aim to empower the community. One of them is launching the Serambi Budaya program, which is expected to empower the community through culture. In fact, a lot of Indonesian cultures were later abandoned and forgotten. Serambi Budaya Dompet Dhuafa is developing in the Dompet Dhuafa area’s branches. Currently, there are 12 Serambi Budayaes according to cultural excellence in their respective regions.

“Serambi Budaya is not just a process of cultural preservation but also makes the order of society that is finally empowered through culture,” said Herman.

In the middle of the launch event, Serambi Budaya performed a silat performance from representatives of the silat college.

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Head of Al Azhar Islamic Boarding School, TGH Suhirman QH. LC. in his speech, conveyed the importance of students in taking care of themselves physically and spiritually.

“Silat is not only silat but also spiritual to continue to be balanced physically and spiritually. In addition, our culture is used as a broadcast of Islamic proselytizing,” he explained.

Drumming accompanies every silat performance.

On the same occasion, Makbul Ramen, Head of the Elementary School of the Lombok District Education Office, expressed his appreciation regarding the holding of Kampung Silat Lombok. He hopes the younger generation can actively participate in developing culture, especially silat.

Kampung Silat Lombok, which has been inaugurated, certainly hopes to be used as a laboratory for empowering martial arts culture in Lombok. Kampung Silat Lombok wants to be like Kampung Silat Jampang in Bogor, West Java assisted by Dompet Dhuafa.

Also Read: Lestarikan Budaya Silat Sultra, Dompet Dhuafa Luncurkan Serambi Budaya

The inauguration was marked by the alternating beating of gongs by Dompet Dhuafa and VIP guests as a joint commitment to maintaining the preservation of martial arts culture, namely Kampung Silat Lombok in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. (Dompet Dhuafa/Doel)