Echoing Solidarity for Turkey and Syria, Dompet Dhuafa Holds Walk for Humanity


JAKARTA – To continue the Turkey and Syrian care movements series, Dompet Dhuafa once again spread concern through the Walk for Humanity action. This action was carried out to invite and increase public awareness of the disasters experienced by our brothers and sisters, the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. The action, which was attended by hundreds of Dompet Dhuafa people, was held on Sunday (12/2/2023) in central Jakarta during Car Free Day (CFD).

Previously, Dompet Dhuafa has held various humanitarian actions, such as holding fundraisers that can be accessed through the Turkey and Syria Earthquake Donation pages, the departure of volunteers and medical teams to help victims at the disaster site, as well as prayers and prayers together. This time, the concern was again echoed by a healthy road action entitled “Walk for Humanity” as a symbol of solidarity for the victims of the Turkish and Syrian earthquakes.

Baca juga: Walk For Humanity: Aksi Kemanusiaan Ajak Masyarakat Peduli Turkiye-Suriah


The action of the healthy road motorcade that traces downtown Jakarta is expected to refresh people’s memories of the natural disaster earthquake that shook Turkey and Syria precisely a week ago (Monday, 06/02/2023). Walk For Humanity was started at 07.00 WIB by hundreds of Dompet Dhuafa people who docked at the gathering point of the Kendal Dukuh Atas Tunnel; they looked compact, wearing a black dress code that became a symbol of mourning for the disaster that befell the victims of Turkey and Syrian earthquakes.

In this action, the concern for Turkey and Syria was repeatedly echoed, starting from the Kendal Dukuh Atas Tunnel, continuing around Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, to ending at the HI Roundabout, which then returned to the Kendal Dukuh Atas Tunnel. On the other hand, breakfast snacks were also rolled out for free by the Dompet Dhuafa Community Service Institution (LPM) entitled DARLING or Dompet Dhuafa Mobile Kitchen. Darling can be accessed for free by Dompet Dhuafa people and the surrounding community participating in the Walk for Humanity action.

Baca juga: Dompet Dhuafa Gelar Salat Gaib dan Doa Bersama untuk Türkiye dan Suriah


In this action, the Chairman of the Dompet Dhuafa Foundation, Rahmad Riyadi, was also present and released hundreds of Dompet Dhuafa people to carry out the Walk for Humanity action as a sign of the start of the event. The director of ZISWAF Dompet Dhuafa Association, Etika Setiawanti appeared to be present and conveyed the purpose of holding this action. According to Ethics, Walk for Humanity is an act of solidarity aimed at all Indonesians to be concerned about the condition of our brothers and sisters who are victims of the Turkish and Syrian earthquakes.

 “Walk For Humanity is an act of solidarity echoed by Dompet Dhuafa to show that we care and invite the people of Indonesia, especially, to also care for our brothers and sisters affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. This action is a series of previous activities, such as joint prayers, fundraising, and the distribution of medical teams and volunteers for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria,” explained Etika.

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Furthermore, Ethics also thanked the donors and the Indonesian people for the helping hands given through donations, both in material form and prayers offered to the victims of Turkey and Syrian earthquakes.

“Thank you, and ask for support to the Indonesian people to continue to support our actions by sending donations to some of our campaigns and hopefully, earthquake victims can alleviate,” concluded Etika. (Dompet Dhuafa/PR/Syifa)

Friend, it is time to reach out and raise our hands to help while praying to Allah Swt that our brothers and sisters in Turkey and Syria who face calamity will always be given protection and strength. In addition, friends can also help our brothers and sisters in Turkey and Syria by donating through the link below: