SEMARANG, CENTRAL JAVA — The Funeral Management Unit (BARZAH ) of Dompet Dhuafa ‘s Community Service Institution (LPM) together with Dompet Dhuafa Central Java held a Funeral Management Training at Class II A Semarang Women’s Correctional Facility on Wednesday (25/09/24). This training aims to equip prisoners with skills in organizing funeral arrangements.
In addition to improving the skills of prisoners, this funeral training is also a moment of reflection for prisoners to remember death and understand the correct procedures in funeral arrangements. The enthusiasm of the participants could be seen from their full attention during the material sessions, which were followed by active and interactive discussions.
This activity was organized to equip the fostered residents with understanding, knowledge and skills in handling corpses, which can later be applied directly in the community. The training took place in a relaxed but serious atmosphere, guided by Pupu Syaripudin, BARZAH’s amil partner, who is competent in the practice of funeral arrangements.
With a light but informative delivery, Pupu managed to eliminate the scary stigma related to the corpse. Thus, the training atmosphere became more fun and easy for participants to understand.
“If we don’t deliver the material in a funny and relaxed way, the participants might be scared and stressed before joining the training. That’s why I bring the material in a relaxed manner. Isn’t it proven? The participants all laughed,” Pupu said after the training.
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This activity took place from 10:00 WIB to 12:00 WIB and was attended by 21 participants, who were prisoners with various case backgrounds.
“We are very grateful, happy, and say thousands of thanks to Dompet Dhuafa for giving us knowledge. Especially Ustaz Pupu who delivered the material clearly but casually made us understand and God willing, we can practice the knowledge that has been conveyed, “said one of the prisoners.
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In line with the above, Neneng as the Public Relations Officer of the Class II A Semarang Women’s Prison, expressed many thanks to BARZAH Dompet Dhuafa for being present to provide training in the organization of funeral arrangements. He hopes that in the future there will be continued cooperation with Dompet Dhuafa.
“We would like to thank Dompet Dhuafa for providing a training trainer facility for funeral arrangements. We hope that this cooperation can continue and can target other programs,” he explained.
In addition to Class IIA Semarang Prison, a similar series of training was also held at Class IIA Ambarawa Prison which was attended by 400 people the next day. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photo: Anndini Dwi Putri, Ahmad LPM
Editor: Dhika