LAMPUNG – Six beneficiaries of Dompet Dhuafa Lampung’s Yatimpreneur Scholarship have successfully undergone intensive training and mentoring for five full weeks. They then graduated at the graduation procession at Surau Berkah Madani Centre, Way Kandis, Bandar Lampung, Saturday (24/2/2024).
The six beneficiaries are selected young talented orphans, aged between 16 and 20 years old. Through the Yatimpreneur Scholarship programme that began on 7 January 2024, they received various education in the form of theory and practice. The hope is that one day they can become empowered and independent orphans who become entrepreneurs. This programme is the result of the utilisation of zakat, infaq, and alms to help orphans/dhuafa to become entrepreneurs.
MPZ Baitulmaal Berkah Madani Center (BMC) as a collaborator of Dompet Dhuafa Lampung in this programme congratulated and encouraged the beneficiaries. BMC hopes that this programme can give birth to great orphans. In addition, the Yatimpreneur Scholarship programme is also sought to continue, so that more young orphans will become entrepreneurs.
Read also: Utilizing GenZAKAT Scholarship, Rasya Determined to Go to School and Study Chemical Engineering
“It doesn’t feel like this programme has reached the graduation ceremony. This is the first step and not the last. Please continue to learn and grow,” said Bayu Ari Wibowo as the caregiver of MPZ Baitulmaal Berkah Madani Centre.

At this graduation agenda, Dompet Dhuafa Lampung and MPZ Baitulmaal Berkah Madani Centre also handed over business capital assistance to the graduates. In addition, they also received additional business assistance from Lecturers of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business (FEBI) Radin Intan State Islamic University Lampung (UIN RIL) who were involved as presenters in this programme.
“Hopefully the business assistance provided can help in the development of friends’ businesses. Keep learning and make good use of it,” explained Dompet Dhuafa Lampung Branch Manager, Yogi Achmad Fajar.
Read also: Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatera Holds GenZAKAT Scholarship Program Graduation

Mrs Siska, one of the FEBI UIN RIL Lecturers conveyed a message to the beneficiaries to continue to prioritise sharia principles in running a business. She is also happy and grateful to have the opportunity to collaborate and contribute to this programme.
“Alhamdulillah, after training every week, today we graduated. Very happy, can get new friends, new knowledge, and business capital. Thank you Dompet Dhuafa Lampung and BMC,” said Emilia (20), one of the beneficiaries of the Yatimpreneur Scholarship programme.
Dompet Dhuafa’s commitment to education for orphans/dhuafa children is the basis for rolling out various forms of scholarship programmes. Yatimpreneur Scholarship is one of them. (Dompet Dhuafa/Lampung)
Text: Dompet Dhuafa Lampung and Riza Muthohar
Photo: Dompet Dhuafa Lampung
Editor: Dhika Prabowo