EAST JAVA — That afternoon, Hj. Farida Salahuddin Wahid, wife of Alm. KH Salahuddin Wahid who was familiarly called Gus Sholah, looked happy and proud due to the dream of her beloved husband to have a hospital in an Islamic boarding school area came true, after RS Hasyim Asy’ari Dompet Dhuafa was inaugurated on August 8, 2023.
“Alhamdulillah, in the afternoon today we can gather to witness Hasyim Asy’ari Hospital, a collaboration between Pesantren Tebuireng and Dompet Dhuafa. Indeed, at first, Gus Sholah in the early days of taking care of Islamic boarding schools, many of which he saw and many became his dreams. Gus Sholah had so many dreams. This hospital is one of them that was finally initiated by Pak Parni and Gus Sholah,” said Hj. Farida Salahuddin Wahid in a presentation session on the history of the establishment of RS Hasyim Asy’ari Dompet Dhuafa at the inauguration of RSHA in Jombang, Tuesday (8/8/2023).
“Both of them were indeed close friends, and once Gus Sholah and I first visited Dompet Dhuafa’s first hospital located in Parung (Bogor), then Gus Sholah thought, if this is in Tebuireng, it will be very, very useful,” she continued.
Hj. Farida added, at that time Gus Sholah thought he would help the students and the surrounding community. Finally, Gus Sholah and Pak Parni began to make plans. However, in the construction of Hasyim Asy’ari Hospital which just stepped on the 1st floor, Gus Sholah passed away. Of course, the development had to continue. The realization of Hasyim Asy’ari Dompet Dhuafa Hospital becomes a clear evidence of Dompet Dhuafa’s collaboration with Pesantren Tebuireng.
Then, Parni Hadi as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dompet Dhuafa who together with Gus Sholah initiated the presence of Hasyim Asy’ari Hospital said, “Mas Sholah and I, could dream, but today Mbakyu (sister) Hj. Farida, a dream comes true. Alhamdulillah.”
“Instead of me telling a long story, what is already in the video, I make a new reportage. My experience half an hour ago, lying down and being taken care of by a health home, if I may call it. Not a hospital, Hasyim Asy’ari Health Home. I was offered a break by Mbakyu, but I chose to rest at health home.”
Also read: RS Hasyim Asy’ari Bersama PMI Jombang Gelar Donor Darah, Wujud Kepedulian pada Sesama
“My experience was to try, was the service good? I had a blood check at the laboratory just now. The result was out in only 30 minutes. Alhamdulillah. I also checked several rooms, alhamdulillah they are qualified. This becomes the main basic for cooperation in other fields, especially with Tebuireng.”
“Go ahead, Gus Kikin (KH Abdul Hakim Mahfuzh, caregiver of Ponpes Tebuireng) for multisectoral, multidimensional cooperation. Let’s make people physically healthy, spiritually healthy and pocket-healthy. Let’s continue Mas Sholah’s dream, we develop it!” he said.
Four years later, participation in waqf collaboractions also came from various parties, both personal and institutional waqf. On August 8, 2023, Hasyim Asy’ari Dompet Dhuafa Hospital was inaugurated directly by the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, and was also attended by the caretaker of Pondok Pesantren Tebuireng, KH Abdul Hakim Mahfuzh; wife of the deceased Gus Sholah, Hj. Farida Salahuddin Wahid; an Initiator as well as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dompet Dhuafa, Parni Hadi and his staff; as well as donors and stakeholders involved.
Also read: Menilik Perjalanan Berdirinya RS Hasyim Asy’ari Tebuireng
“If we often tell how industry 4.0, society 5.0, then actually the key is one, (namely) collaboration. When strong collaboration is built, then big thoughts, strategic ideas, insyaallah, will meet the format. Well, this big idea was initiated by the late KH Salahuddin Wahid, with Mr. Parni Hadi, with Mrs. Nyai Farida, and met so many donors, and experts. So today we give prayers at the inauguration of Hasyim Asy’ari Dompet Dhuafa Hospital,” said Khofifah Indar Parawansa in her speech.
Khofifah also hopes that there will be collaboration between Hasyim Asy’ari Dompet Dhuafa Hospital and Dr. Soetomo Hospital in various reference matters. The existence of Hasyim Asy’ari Hospital, according to Khofifah, will also increase services, speed them up, make them easier and cheaper. Especially through Dompet Dhuafa formats that can greet underprivileged people, not all of whom can be served by BPJS.
Hasyim Asy’ari Dompet Dhuafa Hospital is located in Pesantren Tebuireng area, precisely on Jl. Cukir-Parkir Makam Gus Dur, Kwaron, Diwek, Jombang. This hospital is waqf-based and comes with adequate complete services. Various services already exist at RSHA today. Among them are Internal Medication Poly, Gynecology Poly, Pediatrics Poly, Heart Poly, Orthopedic Poly, Surgical Poly, and Dental Poly. Meanwhile, the types of services that now become flagship at this RSHA are Heart Poly and Surgical Poly.