Holy Prophet Maulid Commemoration at the Cordofa Philanthropy Building’s Stilt Mosque

JAKARTA — On Friday (14/9/2022), the day of sayyidul ayyam, full of blessings, the Prosperity Council of the Masjid Panggung Cordofa (Cordofa Stilt Mosque) at the Dompet Dhuafa Philanthropy Building held an event commemorating the death of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. 

The Friday prayer worshippers at that time also chose not to leave directly to continue participating in the Maulid events series. At this glorious event, Dompet Dhuafa would like to invite its people to get to know more closely Holy Prophet Muhammad, the last messenger, the prophet until the end of times, by following his life stories and his sunnah. 


Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation Chairman, Rahmad Riyadi, gave a speech commemorating the birth of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH at the Cordofa Stilt Mosque Dompet Dhuafa.

The series of events began with an opening, followed by remarks from the Chairman of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation Board, Rahmad Riyadi. After that, the Hadroh Assururi Team led the recitation of the Salawat. Furthermore, there is the tausiyah delivered by Ust. H. M. Taufiq Hidayat MA, Lc, S. Ud, MA. Then it was closed with a prayer by Ust. Ahmad Fauzi Qosim, followed by a meet and greet by all the worshippers. 

In his remarks, Rahmad Riyadi reminded the pilgrims, especially the Dompet Dhuafa people, that the Prophet Muhammad is a respected figure for all Dompet Dhuafa people’s activities. He is the actual figure who must be followed reverently. He considers it increasingly challenging to find an example who can genuinely be a role model in modern times like today. Of course, almost everyone feels this. Therefore, it is only fitting that people return to real role models. 

Hadroh Assururi’s team led the chanting of Shalawat.


The Dompet Dhuafa people are praying together.

More specifically, as Amil zakat and part of Dompet Dhuafa people, what needs to be exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad is in terms of association. The simplest is to greet each other and eat. This is as found in the hadith of the Prophet narrated by al-Tirmizi.

 يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ ، أَفْشُوْا السَّلَامَ ، وَأَطْعِمُوْا الطَّعَامَ ، وَصِلُوْا الْأَرْحَامَ ، وَصَلُّوْا بِاللَّيْلِ وَالنَّاسُ نِيَامٌ ، تَدْخُلُوْا الْجَنَّةَ بِسَلَامٍ (رَوَاهُ التِّرْمِذِيُّ وَقَالَ: حَدِيْثٌ حَسَنٌ صَحِيْحٌ)

O people, spread greetings, feed people, continue Silaturrahim, pray at night when people are asleep, you will undoubtedly go to Heaven prosperously.”


“We ought to follow it in our daily life. We set this example as we make it in the circle of virtue for all our activities. It’s simple, that is, to greet each other and feed each other. If we want to be even more slang, then we collaborate with the goal of lillahi taala. Collaborating in kindness will make us live our lives well. Then, Insha Allah, our lives will also be good both in the world and hereafter,” continued Rahmad. 


More broadly, Ustadz Taufiq Hidayat explained in his tausiyah session that the followers of Prophet Muhammad should not just do anything carelessly. It is essential to care for each other’s speech and hands in spreading things. On the other hand, being a follower of the Prophet means applying a lot of goodness anywhere, anytime, and to anyone and anything. “Let’s take care of our speech and hands from sharing things that are not good. Instead, let’s share as widely as possible only the good things. Let’s not hurt others, both in their hearts and physically. Especially fellow Muslim brothers,” he said. 

Ustaz H. M. Taufiq Hidayat MA, Lc, S. Ud, MA. filling tausiyah on the commemoration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad PBUH at the Cordofa Stilt Mosque, Dompet Dhuafa

He then told about the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari in his book, number 3482, and also by Imam Muslim in his book, 2242, about a woman who confined a cat to death. God also punished the woman by putting her in hell. A cat that she locked was not fed, was not given a drink, nor was it released. “Doing evil to animals alone Allah is afflicted, let alone despicable deeds are done to a kind man,” he continued. The event was then closed with a greet reception and chants of Shalawat on the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. (Dompet Dhuafa / Muthohar)