How to Live Life Well in the World?

Susunan kubus kecil yang memiliki gambar berbeda-beda, salah satunya ilustrasi investasi dan wakaf

Most people in this world want to find the best way to live life. But how? How to live life well in the world?

With all the dreams and hopes in our minds, of course there is an invisible pressure from all sides. Of course it makes our lives uneasy, or at least hard to be able to enjoy life, because there are many things to pursue. But, what is certain is uncertainty. We can only surrender to Allah SWT for what we dream of. All decisions are in the Supreme Creator.

How to Live the Life Well

Then, how do we live life well? One of the keys so that we can live life well is to cleanse our heart from negative emotions. Not only that, a clean mind and far from negativity can make our lives more relaxed. Allah SWT says in the Quran in Surah Ar-Ra’d verse 28 which reads:

“Those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah. Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort.”

The heart becomes more relaxed if we remember Allah SWT, and if you remember how He gives us graces, such as being given health, long life, sustenance, and other graces. We can also increase worship to Him so that we can know better and get closer to God Almighty. Don’t forget to pray to keep in mind the purpose being built and stay humble in every prayer.

After approaching Allah SWT., continue to think positively of Him and also of the efforts that have been made. No effort is fruitless, no effort is wasted. The result can be something we want, or, if Allah SWT is not willing yet, there are still things we can learn from something. However, the most important thing is how we can continue to keep our thoughts positive.

Also read: Wakaf Cianjur Bangkit: Merajut Asa di Tengah Puing Reruntuhan Dampak Gempa Cianjur

Living Life Well with Waqf 

Living a good life means we must also be kind to others. Helping fellow human beings can generate sympathy for others, making us care more for those in need. Allah SWT would be very happy if we help others, whether in the form of deeds, possessions, or prayers. It is mentioned in Surah Al Isra verse 7 which reads:

“If you act rightly, it is for your own good, but if you do wrong, it is to your own loss.”

Allah has promised that every deed we do will return to us. If we do good to others, then goodness will come, and vice versa. If we do evil to others, ugliness will come. All actions have consequences and rewards, depending on what we have done to others.

As explained earlier, every action has a reward, so that we can live our lives better, one of which can be by performing waqf of some of our possessions to those in need. Allah SWT will be very pleased if His servants do good things in His way, one of which is with giving waqf. According to (Indonesian Waqf Board), waqf consists of three types, namely Waqf al-Khayri, Waqf al-Ahli, and Waqf al-Mushtarak.

Types of Waqf and Their Definitions

As explained earlier, waqf consists of three kinds. The first is waqf al-Khayri, which is a waqf whose virtues are long and durable. Examples of waqf al-khayri are prayer rooms, schools, hospitals, orphanages and so on, as long as the goodness is spread and durable. The second type of waqf is the waqf al-Ahli. This waqf is addressed to the descendants of the waqif (the party who gives the waqf goods), for example relatives of the waqif.

The last waqf is the waqf al-Mushtarak. This waqf is intended for descendants of the waqif and the general public, for example mosques that stand on waqf land, orphanages, schools or so on, as long as the goods received are beneficial to the descendants of the waqif and the general public. So many benefits can be taken if we give waqf. Not only for ourselves, but for society at large.

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