JAKARTA – Hundreds of pairs of eyes attended the Indonesia Humanitarian Summit (I-HitS) 2024 and enlivened the entire Usmar Ismail Hall Jakarta, on Thursday (23/01/2025). As a series of annual Public Expose and Poverty Outlook agendas, I-HitS 2024 carries the theme “Kiprah and the Big Impact of Philanthropy” from Dompet Dhuafa’s performance achievements throughout 2024, as well as a reflection of the current situation and synergy efforts going forward.
The atmosphere was so solemn opened by the chanting of the holy verses of the Qur’an from the Blind Qori, Sapto Widoyo, S.Sos and Sign Language Qoriah, Amatul Basimah. The entertainment offerings rolled one by one. It was the turn of the students of the Mekarsari Cibinong Special School (SLB) assisted by the Dompet Dhuafa Community Service Institute (LPM) to show their talents in the form of Saman Dance in front of the audience.

Continued with the performance of poetry by Juperta Panji Utama, who is a well-known Indonesian poet as well as the Secretary of the Indonesian Community Resource Foundation (YSMI) entitled Fake Poetry by Agus R. Sarjono. Then followed by a prayer by Izzudin Abdul Manaf, who is the Sharia Council of Yayasan Dompet Dhuafa Republika (YDDR).
Yudi Latif as the Trustee of YDDR opened the presentation by conveying the fact that poverty is still soaring, indicated by the declining number of middle class groups. Indonesia, like a ring of fire, means that it has a diversity of groups and individuals who have advantages and consequences. Seeing this fact, Yudi said that the government cannot stand alone.
Returning to the essence of the Indonesian nation even before it became a republic, Yudi continued, the local wisdom of gotong royong and community as a safety belt knot for people’s lives. Government and non-government must collaborate together to improve and build common welfare.

“Dompet Dhuafa must prepare a golden umbrella. Because the weather is still cloudy, poverty still exists. We return to the local wisdom of the Indonesian people. If in the West, the tradition is delivering welfare, in Indonesia we come up with a new term, namely social welfare or providers or supporters of welfare, “said Yudi.
Also present was the Director of Zakat and Waqf Empowerment (Ditzawa) of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenag RI), Waryono Abdul Ghofur, who appreciated Dompet Dhuafa as the first philanthropic institution to have a good transparency system. He reminded that this attitude of transparency is the pinnacle of Islam, even the attitude of Istislam, which means surrendering firmly and perfectly.
“This is the representation of a religion. Religion is universally an important element of humanity. Without discrimination regarding gender, race, religion, ethnicity, and culture. I really appreciate the I-HitS event, reminding us to be human beings with dignity. What Dompet Dhuafa did changed the situation from pitch darkness to light. Powerlessness becomes empowered, “concluded Waryono in his speech that morning.

Following Waryono, the Initiator and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dompet Dhuafa, Parni Hadi, was present online to greet everyone present in the hall. He talked about humanitarian issues that are synonymous with love. He hopes that Dompet Dhuafa can carry out love for humans, serve, and be devoted to the pleasure of Allah Swt.
“God loves all His creatures. So, Dompet Dhuafa must show love regardless of ideology, religion, ethnicity, and culture. Our duty is to glorify humans, including the poor,” concluded Parni Hadi.
The event came to an end. The Public Expose session was hosted by the Chairman of the Board of Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation (YDDR), Ahmad Juwaini, who conveyed the growth of Dompet Dhuafa’s zakat, infaq, sadaqah, and waqf (Ziswaf) distribution in the 2024 period.
The novelty of the institution, continued Juwaini, in 2024 lies in empowerment that relies on cultural transformation. According to him, changes in individuals in society can be formed as a strong habit called culture. So, Dompet Dhuafa this time focuses on the realm of culture.

In addition, Juwaini also explained, in 2024 Dompet Dhuafa tried to spread the understanding of Philanthropreneur. According to him, apart from providing assistance, Dompet Dhuafa has a big responsibility to develop independence in society. So that they are empowered and can revive other community groups.
Throughout 2024, Dompet Dhuafa has raised IDR 379,377,085,219 and distributed direct and indirect assistance totaling IDR 418,205,845,531. With a record increase in the absorption rate of 15.42 percent, from the previous figure which reached 99.58 percent in 2023. The increase in distribution in 2024, which reached 115 percent, was due to the remaining program balance at the beginning of 2024.
The community social program is the program with the most distribution. This is intertwined with many social phenomena such as natural disasters and aid for victims of genocide in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Juwaini explained that the number of Dompet Dhuafa beneficiaries totaled 3.26 million.
“We must have the spirit of empowerment. In addition to providing assistance, we must also revive the community so that it is empowered, then it can support itself. Everything must be managed efficiently and spread the benefits as widely as possible,” said Juwaini.
Finally, Dompet Dhuafa’s latest achievement is ISO 9001: 2015 & ISO 27001: 2022 certification regarding international standards in anti-bribery management systems.
“The higher the funds that the community entrusts, the more integrity should be maintained,” Juwaini concluded his presentation, which was greeted by the audience.
The I-HitS 2024 event presented a variety of renowned speakers in the fields of social humanity, sharia economics, education, health, da’wah, and technological innovation in the Philanthropy Optimization Humanitalk talk session.

Not only that, Dompet Dhuafa also presents arts and cultural performances and various programs in program exhibitions and empowerment booths, which are enlivened by Program Implementing Partners (MPP), including Great Edunesia, Integrated Healthy Homes Foundation (YRST), Indonesia Berdaya, Disaster Management Center (DMC), Dompet Dhuafa Dai Corps (Cordofa), Community Service Institution (LPM).
The excitement of I-HitS cannot be separated from the role of Dompet Dhuafa stakeholders, collaborator partners, Zakat Management Partners (MPZ), volunteers, and donors. See you at I-HitS next year, Sahabat! (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photos: Hany Fatihah, Dhika, Riza Muthohar
Editor: Dedi Fadlil