The existence of technology called the internet in this day and age makes life easier. Without the need to spend a lot of material and energy, a person can already do many things through a smart phone in hand, including doing online charity.
Before internet technology dominated the human world, charity activities were generally carried out directly, namely given directly to people in need or collected at the nearest mosques or musala to be given to people who were entitled to receive. But after the digital era developed rapidly, these conventional methods began to be replaced by easier and simpler ways, namely giving alms via smartphones or online alms.
Almsgiving in the Qur’an
Almsgiving itself is an act of worship that is recommended and favored by Allah Swt and is worth a great reward for Muslims who do it. In the Qur’an, Allah mentions that people who practice alms will be rewarded with multiple rewards. No wonder then that charity is included in the sunah muakadah or actions that are highly recommended by Allah. This is stated in the Quran surah Al-Hadid verse 18 and Al-Baqarah verse 261 which reads:
Read also: When is the Right Time to give Subuh Alms, Before or After the Prayer?

“Verily, those who give in charity, both men and women, and lend to Allah with a good loan, their reward will be multiplied for them, and they will have a noble reward.” (QS Al Hadid: 18).
“The example of those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah is like a seed that grows seven stalks, on each stalk a hundred seeds. Allah multiplies it for whom He wills, and Allah is All-Wise, All-Knowing.” (QS Al-Baqarah: 261)
In its implementation, charity can be done openly or openly and known to many people. However, Allah mentions in the Qur’an that charity done secretly is better for his people. This is stated in the following Quran surah Al-Baqarah verse 271:
“If you show your alms, it is good. And if you conceal it and give it to the poor, that is better for you, and Allah will expiate some of your wrongs. And Allah knows what you do.” (QS Al Baqarah: 271)
Read also: Gen Z-style Almsgiving, a Small Initiative with a Big Impact

When referring to Allah’s words in the surah above, it can be said that doing charity in secret is better than showing it. This is in line with the online sadaqah method, which is only known by the giver and the recipient of the sadaqah. However, in online charity there is one pillar of charity that is not done, namely the contract or statement of giving and receiving from the charity giver and the recipient. So, is online sadaqah valid or not?
Online Sadaqah, Legal or Not?
According to Yusuf Al-Qardhawi, online charity is valid even though there is no contract between the giver and the recipient or the two do not meet in person.
Yusuf Al-Qardhawi said that a giver of zakat or alms is not obliged to explicitly state to the recipient that the funds he gives are zakat or alms. Therefore, if a giver of alms does not state to the recipient that it is alms, then the practice is still valid.
The same thing was also explained by Ustaz Abdul Somad. The cleric who is familiarly called UAS said that the pillar of zakat and sadaqah is the intention, while the spoken contract is a sunnah that is afdal if done.
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Instead of focusing on whether there is a contract or not, the more important thing to consider in online charity is the clarity of the recipient, be it an individual or a charitable organization. The absence of direct interaction in online charity means that the giver must be more detailed in researching the credibility of the recipient. Before giving alms online, make sure the recipient is a person who really needs it or a trustworthy amil institution.
Online Almsgiving at Dompet Dhuafa
In addition to getting rewards, there are also a series of lessons that we can get if we give alms online. These wisdoms include that we can do alms from anywhere, unlimited by time and space, we can give alms without expecting a return or feeling of riya’ that arises when meeting the recipient of alms, get a detailed and transparent report from the institution where we give alms, and provide help quickly if a disaster occurs in another area far from where we live.
Dompet Dhuafa as a trustworthy zakat, infaq, sadaqah and waqf (ziswaf) institution also provides a special portal for those who want to give alms online. Later, the alms channeled through Dompet Dhuafa will become various forms of empowerment programs for the poor in the fields of education, economy, social, humanity, da’wah, and health. The method is easy and simple, you only need to click the alms link below, then choose what program you want to help through the alms you give. Barakallah…