JAKARTA — This morning, Monday (13/2/2023), Dompet Dhuafa Medical Team which is part of the Emergency Medical Team (EMT) of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) departed for Turkiye. They are dr. Zainab Aqila and dr. Rosmalia from Dompet Dhuafa Tim Respon Darurat Kesehatan or RDK (Health Emergency Response Team).
Through a short message, dr. Aqila reported directly that today together with the EMT of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, would leave for Adana City, Turkiye, then to Hatay Province, to carry out a humanitarian mission of earthquake medical response in Turkiye.
Also Read: https://www.dompetdhuafa.org/dompet-dhuafa-siap-kirim-2-dokter-emt-ke-turkiye/
“Bismillah, together with EMT-RI, we will leave for Adana City, Turkiye. We will then head to Hatay Province to carry out humanitarian missions to earthquake survivors there. Please pray that we’ll be safe until we reach the destination, to carry out this mission, trustworthily and smoothly,” said dr. Aqila, Monday (13/2/2023).
Armed with the humanitarian courage and expertise they have had, it is hoped that the volunteers who are dispatched can provide assistance and use for our brothers and sisters in Turkiye.
In line with this, the Coordinator of the Dompet Dhuafa Medical Team, dr. Yeni Purnamasari, explained that previously since Wednesday (8/2/2023), the Dompet Dhuafa medical team had entered the dormitory for a briefing on the departure of the medical response to Turkiye under the coordination of the Indonesian Ministry of Health.
She also said, in the first phase, Dompet Dhuafa deployed a Medical Team of 2 (two) personnel who joined the EMT of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia to provide medical services. And in the second stage, Dompet Dhuafa deployed a SAR and Medical team of 3 (three) personnel who joined the MUSAR BASARNAS RI Team for the search and rescue process.
“As for the second phase of the SAR and Medical Team are: dr. Sjarif Sp.B, Narwan, and Dedi Fadlil, departed on Friday (10/2/2023), in coordination with the National SAR Agency (Basarnas) RI,” added dr. Yeni.
“We also prepare assistance for the advanced stages for both Turkey and Syria. The current total aid is 200 food parcels and 30 blankets, for the distribution point area in Hatay, Turkiye.
Due to the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit Türkiye and Syria on Monday (6/2/2023), more than 20,000 people died, but there are warnings that the death toll may continue to rise. DMC Dompet Dhuafa invites the entire society to participate in easing the burden on survivors by donating through https://digital.dompetdhuafa.org/donasi/gempaturki
Also Read: dompetdhuafa.org/dompet-dhuafa-salurkan-100-paket-sembako-di-wilayah-terdampak-gempa-turkiye-suriah/
At the same time as this article was made, Dompet Dhuafa also conducted a Live Report from Turkiye with Narwan and dr. Yeni Purnamasari, MKM on Idola 92.6 FM Radio Channel via https://www.radioidola.com/streaming/. (Dompet Dhuafa / Dhika Prabowo)