CIBUBUR — The Dompet Dhuafa Empowering Mosque Collaboration Network (KMP) held a Da’wah Safari for ten-mosque members of the Cibubur regional KMP on Saturday (25/3/2023). One of the mosques visited was the Darussalam Mosque of Cibubur Tourism City in Ciangsana, Gunung Putri, Bogor Regency.
Safari Da’wah is a trip or da’wah activity from one region to another to conduct Islamic counseling and guide the community. This collaboration event presents a mosque seminar entitled “The Best Momentum to Prosper Mosques in Ramadan”.
Ustaz Kusnadi Ikhwani, Chairman of the Takmir Masjid Al Falah Sragen, participated in the 10th Da’wah Safari activity. He shared his knowledge on how to become a mosque takmir and prosper the mosque implemented in Masjid Al Falah. Furthermore, Ustaz Kusnadi explained “6K” to prosper the mosque.
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“Sincerity, hard work, patience, confidence, competence, sincerity for effort,” said Ustaz Kusnadi.
Furthermore, Ustaz Kusnadi also said that a mosque’s management (takmir) must be independent and independent in thinking to have sovereignty in prospering the mosque.
“Empowered yourself and empowered others. If the mosque is empowered, the awakening of Muslims will be presented from the Indonesian mosque,” he added.

Meanwhile, Jamil Azzaini, CEO of Kubik Leadership, attended the mosque seminar. According to Jamil, three things need to be done to become a mosque administrator who has many breakthroughs and gets support.
“First, I must know why I became the mosque’s caretaker. Without reason, there is no strong impulse. Second, it has privileges. If our mosque is to be large and visited by many people, it must have privileges that other mosques do not have. It should be the mosque where the people’s solutions are answered. For our mosque to look different from others, the mosque must be distinctive. And the last is synergy,” explained Jamil.
“Synergizing, sometimes a good mosque has a specific, unique program, but it will be stronger if we synergise. Moreover, there is an Empowering Mosque Collaboration, then remove existing obstacles, by determining new actions, learning from proven ones and quickly execution,” Jamil added.
“To the mosque is a journey of the heart, not a journey of the foot. To the mosque until old, don’t wait for old. Go to the mosque until death, do not wait to die,” he concluded.

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This mosque seminar was attended by hundreds of participants from various age ranges who seemed enthusiastic. Some participants were caught taking notes and writing down key points in the seminar. After the presentation of the material, it continued with a two-way question and answer session with the participants. This activity then ended with breaking the fast together and praying in congregation.
“Thank you, this can add enthusiasm, especially for us, who certainly need motivation or encouragement on how we become mosque administrators who can be sincere in hard work and patience in leading or commanding the right and good mosque administrators,” said Novil Anoverta, Chairman of the Darussalam Mosque Foundation.
For information, the Empowering Mosque Collaboration (KMP) was initiated by Dompet Dhuafa as a poverty alleviator in Indonesia. KMP focuses on empowering the potential of mosques to alleviate poverty and expand benefits for the people. (Dompet Dhuafa/Anndini)