Paying Fidyah with Money, How Much Rupiah is It? Check Out the Terms


Approaching the holy month of Ramadan, fidyah almost always becomes a subject that Muslims often seek or talk about. The reason is, they must immediately settle the obligation to pay the Ramadan fasting debt that has been missed before. Not a few are still confused about the procedures for paying fidyah, using ready-to-eat food, basic foodstuffs, or can you pay fidyah with money?

Find out the answer through the following explanation.

Definition of Fidyah

Fidyah derives from the Arabic word al-fidyah which is the masdar form of the root word fadaa. Fadaa means “something given in the form of wealth as a substitute or ransom.”

Also read: Salurkan Fidyah Persembahan dari Mitra, Dompet Dhuafa Gandeng Shopee Indonesia

Dompet Dhuafa distributed fidyah rice in Kampung Pamugguan, Bogor

Citing the UIN Suska Riau website, in terminology, fidyah is a punishment in the form of a fine given to a person because he/she has abandoned religious obligations. The fine is issued by feeding the poor.

In addition, fidyah can also mean the giving of basic foodstuffs or ready-to-eat food to the poor, as kafaarat because he/she has abandoned the Ramadan fasting for the reasons justified by sharia.

Fidyah can only be done by certain groups that are allowed to do according to sharia. To find out more about who can pay fasting debts by paying fidyah, Friends can read this article Ini Golongan Orang yang Boleh Bayar Fidyah untuk Mengganti Puasa Ramadan.

Fidyah Payment Forms

The implementation of fidyah payments can be carried out in three forms. The first form is by giving cooked food. The second form is by providing raw food ingredients or cooking ingredients that can be processed into cooked food. Then the third form, which is to pay fidyah in the form of money that can later be spent to buy raw cooking ingredients or cooked dishes ready to eat.

Also read: Apa Saja Amalan yang Dikerjakan Nabi Muhammad Saw di Bulan Ramadan?


Terms of Paying Fidyah with Money

Fidyah must be paid by a person who leaves fasting because of udzur syar’i. Fidyah is paid to a number of underprivileged people according to the number of fasting days left behind. The method of paying fidyah also varies, depending on the form, one of which is paid with cash.

But actually, is it allowed to pay fidyah in the form of money? What are the laws and regulations?

Citing the official website of BAZNAS, Imam Malik, Imam As-Shafi’i determined that fidyah must be paid with basic foodstuffs, for example wheat with a dose of 1 mud or about 6 ounces = 675 grams = 0.75 kg or the size of a palm that is held during prayer.

Meanwhile, according to the Hanafiyah Ulama, the fidyah that must be issued is 2 mud or the equivalent of 1/2 sha’ wheat. If 1 sha’ is equivalent to 4 mud=about 3 kg, then 1/2 sha’ means about 1.5 kg. This second rule is usually used for people who pay fidyah with rice.

Also read: Sederet Hikmah Puasa Ramadan: Derajat Terangkat, Kemudaratan Teredam


Meanwhile, how to pay fidyah by pregnant women can be done by giving basic food. For example, Ms. Tika did not fast for 30 days because she was pregnant, so she had to provide fidyah of 30 portions, of which 1.5 kg each. Fidyah can be paid to 30 underprivileged people.

According to the Hanafiyah Scholars, fidyah can be paid in the form of money according to the applicable amount. For example, 1.5 kg of basic food per day is converted into rupiah.

The way to pay for fasting fidyah with money, Hanafiyah’s version, is to give a nominal amount of money comparable to the price of dates or wine weighing 3.25 kg per day of fasting left behind, the rest follows the multiples of the fast.

On the other hand, BAZNAS has determined the amount of money that must be spent to pay fidyah through the Decree of the Chairman of BAZNAS No. 07 of 2023 concerning Zakat Fitrah and Fidyah. For the capital city of DKI Jakarta and its surroundings, it is determined that the fidyah payment with rupiah is IDR 60,000/day/person.

If Good Friends have an obligation to pay fidyah, You can fulfill it at Dompet Dhuafa. The fidyah you give will be intended for the duafa people as well as those in need for their prosperity.