CIANJUR, WEST JAVA — A week since the earthquake that shook Cianjur, residents affected by the disaster still need help, there are still many unmet needs.
In line with that, Dompet Dhuafa together with Wardah, Kahf, and Paragon Corps came to the Cianjur Earthquake site, precisely at Kp. Awilarangan Kidul, Benjot Village, Kec. Cugenang, Kab. Cianjur, on Thursday (11/24/2022), to see firsthand the impact of the disaster and distribute aid in the form of vitamin C, toiletries, and aid donations of IDR 100,000,000, – (one hundred million rupiah) which will be distributed to the construction of emergency tents for earthquake victims.
On this occasion, Yogi Zulvianto or often called Oghel, Public Relations Kahf Wilda Arginisa, Eko representatives from Paragon, and Suci Nuzleni Qadarsih as General Manager Marketing Communication Dompet Dhuafa were also present. They were there to directly help the victims there.
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Entertaining the people affected by the Cianjur Earthquake with Oghel
The massive impact of the earthquake caused most of the houses to collapse, forcing them to take refuge in tents or disaster posts. Many of them lack basic necessities.
“The residents here still need baby supplies such as eucalyptus oil, tissues and others,” said Oghel.
Not only providing assistance, Oghel, Wilda and Eko also invited the residents affected by the disaster to chat together. Smiles radiated from their faces, not only because they felt helped by Dompet Dhuafa, but also because they were entertained and could laugh together.

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So far, Dompet Dhuafa has continued to provide assistance, one of which is through the Mobile Kitchen (Darling), a collaboration between Dompet Dhuafa and Wardah. With this Darling, the community feels helped because Darling provides basic food needs. Dompet Dhuafa together with Oghel, Wilda, and Eko also visited Darling to see and help directly in the process of making food and drinks that will be given to local residents for free.
“Hopefully our presence today can help ease the burden on our brothers and sisters, and hopefully what we give today can be useful,” said Wilda.
Oghel also hoped that the areas affected by the Cianjur earthquake will recover quickly.

In line with this, Suci thanked all parties who had helped.
“Thank you to Paragon for helping together with Dompet Dhuafa to be able to help the Cianjur community affected by the disaster. Dompet Dhuafa opens the widest possible collaboration with the community to be able to continue to help the people of Cianjur so that they can rise again,” said Suci.