The words of the Chairman of DPD RI, Sultan B Najamuddin, after the Opening Plenary Meeting of Session III DPD RI on Tuesday (14/1/2025), drew public attention, especially the Muslims. Why? Because he proposed that the Free Nutritious Meal Program be funded by zakat.
“I see there is a generous DNA (and) mutual cooperation from (the people) of our country. So, why don’t we utilize this too? For example, how do we stimulate the general public to be involved in this Free Nutritious Meal Program? Among other things, yesterday I also thought, why don’t we want to involve our zakat, which is unusually large, (in the MBG program),” he said, quoted from Antara.
This proposal inevitably raises a big question. How much is the government budget for the Free Nutritious Meal Program? Then, how much is the shortfall until it has to take zakat funds that are intended for certain groups only?
According to Tempo, the government has budgeted Rp71 trillion for the Free Nutritious Meal Program from the 2024 State Budget. Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister for Food, Zulkifli Hasan, said that this program needs an additional budget of Rp140 trillion to run until the end of the year. This means that throughout 2025, President Prabowo Subianto and his vice president’s flagship program will cost at least Rp210 trillion. Quite a fantastic figure.
So, should zakat funds be used to fund President Prabowo Subianto and Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka’s Free Nutritious Meal Program?
Zakat for Free Nutritious Meals
Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Anwar Abbas, also known as Buya Anwar, also responded to the proposal for zakat funds to fund the Free Nutritious Meal Program. According to him, this proposal is not appropriate, because zakat funds can only be given to the eight asnaf mentioned in the Qur’an.
“If it is from zakat funds, of course there will be ikhtilaf or differences of opinion among scholars, unless the nutritious food is intended for children from poor and needy families,” Buya Anwar was quoted as saying by
On the other hand, according to him, the government can use infaq and sadaqah funds to help fund this program. Because, infaq and alms funds are not tied to certain groups, so they can be given to anyone with the aim of helping or helping.
“But if it is to provide MBG (Free Nutritious Meals) for children from wealthy families, it is certainly not appropriate, unless it is taken from infaq and sadaqah funds,” he explained.
Dompet Dhuafa’s Opinion
Chairman of the Board of Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation, Ahmad Juwaini, gave his views regarding the proposal for zakat funds to be used for the Free Nutritious Meal Program. According to him, a more in-depth study of fiqh is needed to formulate the proposal.
In line with Anwar Abbas, Ahmad Juwaini also explained that as an obligation for Muslims, zakat has its own rules and regulations regarding its distribution. As we all know, zakat can only be given to the eight asnaf as mentioned in the Al-Qur’an surah At-Taubah verse 60.
“If indeed the allocation (Free Nutritious Meal Program) is for the eight asnaf groups, then it is possible to do so,” said Juwaini.
“But before that, of course, it requires a joint study of the use of these zakat funds based on fiqh and scholarly opinions,” he explained.
Thus, according to Juwaini, zakat funds may be used for the Free Nutritious Meal Program. As long as the allocation of funds from zakat is clear. There needs to be coordination with related parties, especially zakat institutions or activists and policy makers to maintain the prudent distribution of zakat funds according to the designation of asnaf and its benefits.
Furthermore, Juwaini explained that zakat funds have a great purpose for Muslim communities, one of which is to alleviate poverty. The reason why donors channel their zakat funds to institutions is not far from so that the funds can be sustainable and have long-term benefits for mustahik. So if zakat institutions are involved in this program, they have a big responsibility to the muzaki to explain.
“Zakat funds not only contribute to helping people in emergencies, but also have an important role in efforts to alleviate poverty through long-term empowerment programs,” said Juwaini.
“Moreover, zakat institutions also need to be accountable for the management of muzaki (zakat donors) funds,” he continued.

Appropriation of Zakat Funds According to Sharia
In the Qur’an surah At-Taubah verse 60 Allah SWT says:
“Indeed, the zakat is only for the poor, the amil zakat, the mu’allaf who are persuaded by their hearts, for (freeing) slaves, those who are in debt, for the way of Allah and for those who are traveling, as a decree required by Allah, and Allah is All-Knowing and All-Wise.”
Based on the above verse, it is clear that zakat is only intended for Muslims in eight asnaf. These include the poor, gharim (people who are in debt), riqab (slaves or slaves who want to free themselves), converts, fi sabilillah (people who fight in the cause of Allah), ibnu sabil (travelers), and amil zakat. To know more about the provisions, types, and laws of zakat, you can read Understanding Zakat Fitrah, Laws and Recipient Groups. (RQA)