YOGYAKARTA — The public may already be familiar with the corpse service or what is known as Barzah (Corpse Recovery Agency) Dompet Dhuafa. But who exactly is the person behind the wheel of this car?
He is Sigit. A family head with a long career finally decided to spread goodness with Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta.
For years, Sigit worked as a driver. In the midst of economic limitations, he was not discouraged from doing various jobs. Starting from being a private driver, conventional taxi driver, online motorcycle taxi, and even truck driver.
When interviewed on Friday (04/11/2022), this father of 2 (two) daughters has a hand in raising his children, especially in education. The first child is in grade 2 junior high school, while the second child is in kindergarten. Even in his spare time, Sigit also helps his wife sell lotek in front of the house.
“Alhamdulillah, since joining Barzah, I can understand the meaning of humanity and sharing,” she said.
This married couple believes that if working is intended to help others, then God Almighty will also make things easier for their family.
“The flood disaster in Kebumen was the first time I knew Dompet Dhuafa, because I was one of the volunteers at that time. Long story short, shortly after the Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta Barzah service was inaugurated in May 2022, “said Sigit, he joined the Barzah team and has been serving the people until now.
While serving as a Barzah DD Yogyakarta driver, he had an interesting experience. At that time there was a hearse from Jakarta delivering a corpse to Nganjuk, East Java. Initially it went smoothly, but in the middle of the journey a tire burst on the toll road. He and his team did the relay. He admitted that he was proud to be able to work together even though he was a little worried that he would get out of the wrong toll booth in the pick-up area. Fortunately, many residents helped direct the fleet and assisted in the process of moving the body to the Barzah car.
In addition, Sigit’s experience happened again. “When delivering corpses outside the city, sometimes we have to be able to hold back when we are sorry (kebelet), such as when delivering a corpse to Banjarnegara, Central Java. When I arrived at the funeral home, the corpse was dropped off by a neighbor, I immediately ran to the mosque to find a toilet, “he concluded. (Dompet Dhuafa / DD Jogja)