SOUTH TANGERANG — Khadijah Learning Center (KLC) Dompet Dhuafa in collaboration with Kampus Bisnis Umar Usman held the kick-off (launch) of the Womenpreneur Growth Academy Program with the theme “Empowering Womenpreneur Through Business Acceleration.” This activity was held at Khadijah Learning Center Building, Serpong, South Tangerang, on Wednesday (2/8/2023).
Womenpreneur Growth Academy is an Indonesian women entrepreneur acceleration program designed by KLC Dompet Dhuafa in collaboration with Umar Usman Business Campus. This program aims to develop and scale the business of the program’s beneficiaries consisting of women entrepreneurs, through a four-month business mentoring process.
This program will have a business incubation involving seven selected participants. They are women entrepreneurs who live in Jabodetabek and surrounding areas and have had a business running for at least six months. Each participant will have the opportunity to discuss issues related to their business and will be accompanied by experts as coaches and business mentors in business development.
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“The Womenpreneur Growth Academy program provides opportunities for women entrepreneurs to improve their business, develop the market, but still stay true to their nature as women like the best female entrepreneurs, (namely) Mother Khadijah,” Lily Zulaeha as Director of Umar Usman Business Campus told Dompet Dhuafa.
During this program, participants will receive intensive business assistance, access to relationships, business services, business development, and business cooperation. Every week, participants will get business coaching sessions that are held directly or face-to-face or through online media. The entire process will occur at Khadijah Learning Center, Serpong, South Tangerang City.
Ahmad Shonhaji, Director of Culture, Da’wah, and Community Services of Dompet Dhuafa, also expressed his hopes at the event. According to him, Muslim women must become strong and successful businessmen who can contribute to poverty alleviation and improve the community’s quality of life, as well as prosper and help the struggle of the Ummah.
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“Khadijah Learning Center is a place to realize the ideals of strong Muslim women in all fields. The hope is that Muslim women become strong and successful businessmen who can contribute to poverty alleviation and improve the quality of life of the community as well as the welfare of the Ummah and help the struggle of the Ummah in the future,” she explained.
The Womenpreneur Growth Academy program is expected to be a means for Muslim women entrepreneurs to be able to develop and scale their businesses to a higher level. Dompet Dhuafa also hopes this kick-off will be a good start in achieving business success and independence for Womenpreneur Growth Academy participants. (Dompet Dhuafa/KLC/Muthohar)