Temperature 14 Degrees Celsius, Dompet Dhuafa Serves Warm Drinks to Bandung Earthquake Refugees

Suasana Dapur Keliling LPM Dompet Dhuafa di Posko Pengungsian Lapangsari, Desa Cibeureum, Kecamatan Kertasari pada Kamis (20/09/2024) malam.

WEST JAVA — Dompet Dhuafa provides hot drink services for Bandung Earthquake refugees at the Lapangsari Evacuation Post, Cibeureum Village, Kertasari District, on Thursday (19/09/2024). This service comes through the Mobile Kitchen (Darling) of Dompet Dhuafa’s Community Service Institute (LPM). This assistance comes as part of the disaster response to the 5.0 magnitude earthquake (SR) that shook Bandung Regency on Wednesday (09/18/2024) morning.

That night, the temperature was 14 degrees Celsius. Volunteers and survivors covered themselves with warm clothes such as jackets, blankets, and even sarongs to keep their body warm. Hundreds of servings of warm drinks such as tea, coffee and milk were also served to those affected by the cold weather.

“We see that the temperature at night is quite extreme, reaching 14 degrees Celsius. For this reason, we are trying to provide warm drinks so that the refugees can feel comfortable and avoid hypothermia,” said Taqi Falsafati, PIC of West Java Earthquake Management DMC Dompet Dhuafa, reporting from the evacuation post.

Read also: Dompet Dhuafa Distributes Emergency Aid to Thousands of Bandung Earthquake Refugees

The atmosphere of the LPM Dompet Dhuafa Mobile Kitchen at the Lapangsari Evacuation Post, Cibeureum Village, Kertasari District on Thursday (09/20/2024) evening.
The atmosphere of the LPM Dompet Dhuafa Mobile Kitchen at the Lapangsari Evacuation Post, Cibeureum Village, Kertasari District on Thursday (09/19/2024) evening.

In addition to hot drinks, Dompet Dhuafa also plans to set up public kitchens in other refugee posts and distribute mattresses, blankets, and other equipment, especially for vulnerable groups such as the elderly, pregnant women, and children.

“Alhamdulillah, this assistance means a lot to us. This warm drink makes us feel calmer and warmer,” said one of the evacuees, Mrs. Ani.

Because the air temperature is too cold without proper handling and prevention, it can cause wet lungs or commonly called Pneumonia. Concerns also arise over the arrival of another deadly disease due to cold temperatures, namely Hypothermia.

“Alhamdulillah, there is something warm,” added one of the survivors as he poured warm water into his glass.

Read also: Bandung Regency Shaken by 5 SR Earthquake, Dompet Dhuafa Mobilizes Response Team

The Dompet Dhuafa team served warm drinks to the Bandung earthquake evacuees.
Refugee women enjoying a variety of hot drinks provided by Darling LPM Dompet Dhuafa.

Until now, the data on the impact of earthquake damage obtained by the Dompet Dhuafa team is that there are 2 lightly damaged houses in Cililin District and Cihampelas District. In addition, there were 204 houses affected in Pasirwangi District, Tarogong Kaler District, and Sukaresmi District. There were also 656 houses affected in Kertasari, Pangalengan, Pacet, Arjasari, Pameungpeuk, Ibun and Rancaekek sub-districts.

The total damage caused by this earthquake was recorded as 861 affected houses, 24 affected educational facilities, 40 affected places of worship, 5 affected health facilities, and 20 affected public facilities. The government has also issued a circular that the emergency response period lasts until October 01, 2024.

Currently, the Dompet Dhuafa DMC team has succeeded in opening a Volunteer Post located at Jl. Raya Pacet 29, Sukapura Village, Kertasari District, Bandung Regency, West Java. For good friends who want to help ease the burden on the refugees, they can channel their assistance at that address, or through digital.walletdhuafa.org/donation/indonesiasiapsiaga. Let us pray that the people of Bandung Regency will remain strong and recover soon. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photos: Riza Muthohar, Arifian Fajar
Editor: Dhika Prabowo