WEST SUMATRA – One by one, middle-aged to elderly women began arriving with copies of the Qur’an in their hands. That afternoon, Thursday (12/10/2023), the courtyard of the Al Madinah Learning Center (Pusat Belajar Mengaji – PBM) of Dompet Dhuafa Singgalang in Bandar Lampung appeared quiet, possibly due to the light rain tapping on the tin-covered roof of the building.
Located in the BLP Sungai Lareh Complex area, Lubuk Minturun Village, Koto Tangah, Padang City, PBM Al Madinah—formerly known as the Forum Halaqoh Qur’an (FHQ)—has been operational since early 2020. This Dompet Dhuafa Singgalang program in the field of da’wah and education offers two class categories: the Tahsin Class for mothers every Thursday and Friday, and the Tahfiz Class for children every Monday and Wednesday.
Interest in the PBM, especially in the Tahsin Class attended by housewives, is high. At least 17 mother students actively participate in this class. The Tahsin Class is divided into two levels, with 10 students at level 1 and 7 at level 2, facilitating the instructors in applying their teaching methods.
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In the Tahfiz Class, at least 10 children actively attend each session on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Amrullah, the PIC of the Da’wah and Education Program of Dompet Dhuafa Singgalang, mentioned that PBM Al Madinah even organized a Qur’an recitation competition (MTQ) for mothers in Padang City. This activity aimed to motivate housewives to continue learning to read and recite the Qur’an.

“Our hope is that these mothers can apply and teach the knowledge they gain at home to their families and friends,” said Amrul.
Most mothers at PBM Al Madinah are housewives aged between 45 and 69. Their enthusiasm is high, and they often organize their own study sessions to review their readings together.
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“Many mothers are embarrassed to learn how to recite the Qur’an. But here, they are very enthusiastic. Even outside of class hours, they initiate their own Tahsin sessions. Sometimes they also memorize and then report back to the instructor during class,” explained Ustazah Jasti Novika Sari, the Level 2 Tahsin Class teacher.
The 27-year-old woman, a graduate of Tadris Physics from UIN Imam Bonjol, is pleased and grateful for the Dompet Dhuafa PBM program. She strives to share knowledge with the eager mothers. In every meeting, she ensures that each mother takes something new home.
“I teach physics at a junior high school according to my education. I have been teaching Tahsin since 2017 and joined Dompet Dhuafa in 2020 to teach here. The mothers are very eager to learn,” said the Padang-born Ustazah.
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According to the mothers attending Ustazah Jasti’s class, she is a teacher who is very consistent with time. Having been a Tahsin instructor for over three years, Jasti always arrives on time, even when no one else is there.

Unlike children who remember more material, Ustazah Jasti’s method focuses more on practice. She mentioned that the learning is more concentrated on Surah Al-Baqarah.
One of her students, Ibu Ria (45), has been attending the Tahsin Class since it was established in 2020. The housewife and mother of four started learning the Hijaiyah letters and can now fluently read the Qur’an. Her enthusiasm is high, and she even hopes for additional class sessions.
“Don’t ever stop this program. If possible, add more class time,” she said jokingly.
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Ibu Ria confidently stated that the mothers here are never ashamed to learn the Qur’an, even if taught by someone much younger. They enjoy reading the Qur’an and, realizing many mistakes, are eager to learn more.
“Never feel ashamed to learn the Qur’an from others. Be ashamed before Allah if our recitations are incorrect,” she advised all mothers her age. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)