After completing seven rounds of tawaf around the Kaaba in the Masjid al-Haram, pilgrims of Hajj or Umrah will usually rush directly to the back of Maqam Ibrahim to perform prayers at Maqam Ibrahim.
Beforehand, we need to know that Maqam Ibrahim is not the place where the body of Prophet Ibrahim (as) was buried, but Maqam Ibrahim was a stone that was used as a foothold by the Prophet when he built the Kaaba in Mecca.
Praying in Maqam Ibrahim
Why is it necessary to pray in Maqam Ibrahim? Because, this activity is something that is favored by Allah Swt. Allah Himself encourages His servants to perform Sunnah prayers in Maqam Ibrahim. This is stated in the Quran surah Al-Baqarah verse 125:
Also read: Ibadah Haji 1444 H, Ini 8 Tempat Mustajab di Mekkah dan Madinah
“And (remember) when We made the Sacred House (Baitullah) a center and a sanctuary for the people. You may take the standing-place of Ibrahim as a site of prayer. And We entrusted Ibrahim and Ismail: “Purify My House for those who walk around (tawaf) it, who meditate (itikaf) in it, and who perform ruku and sujood.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 125)
Based on this verse, praying in Maqam Ibrahim becomes a recommended sunnah worship. If it is possible and not burdensome, then performing the Sunnah prayers behind Maqam Ibrahim is highly recommended. But if it is not possible, it is okay to miss it. Because in fact, Maqam Ibrahim is often filled with people who also want to perform the Sunnah prayer of two rakats there.
For the procedure of praying in Maqam Ibrahim, it is stated in the following hadith Muslim narration:
“Pray two rakats, on the first rakat, recite surah al-Kafirun and the second rakat, recite surah al-Ikhlas.” (HR Muslim no 1218)
Extraordinary Features of Maqam Ibrahim
The extraordinary thing of Maqam Ibrahim has been mentioned by Allah SWT through His word in the Quran. In surah Ali-Imran, Allah SWT says that in Maqam Ibrahim there are visible signs.
Also read: Baca Doa Ini Saat Melihat Ka’bah di Masjidil Haram, Hajat Insyaallah Qabul
“In it are clear signs, (among them) the standing place of Ibrahim (Maqam Ibrahim); Whoever enters it shall be safe.” (QS. Ali Imran: 96-97)
Maqam Ibrahim is where Prophet Ibrahim stood when building the Kaaba, not a tomb as people think. The shape is a piece of stone on which to stand, because Prophet Ibrahim stood on this stone. While Prophet Ismail was passing the rocks to build the Kaaba to him. It was here that Prophet Ibrahim called upon all mankind the obligation of Hajj.
![Tawaf mengelilingi Ka'bah](
Here are three extraordinary features of Maqam Ibrahim as described in the book of Thariqus Shaalihin, including:
1. As a place to pray after performing tawaf
This is in accordance with the word of Allah SWT in the Quran surah al-Baqarah.
“And take Maqam Ibrahim as a place of prayer.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 125)
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2. Originally from the rocks of heaven
Maqam Ibrahim is the Yaqut Stone taken from heaven. Allah removes its light, for if it is not removed, it can undoubtedly illuminate all that is in the east and west.
3. As a sign of Allah’s apparent power
Allah said, “Verily the house which was first built for (the place of worship) of men, is the blessed Baitullah in Bakkah (Mecca) and is a guide for all mankind. In it are clear signs, (among them) the maqam of Ibrahim…” (QS. Ali Imran: 96-97)
May we all be facilitated to be able to do tawaf and sunnah prayers of two rakats behind Maqam Ibrahim in the Masjid al-Haram, Mecca. Aamiin…
(Dompet Dhuafa/Ustaz Ahmad Fauzi Qasim/Ronna)