Training on Corpse Embalming: Revisiting Tradition and Shari’ah

Pelatihan Pemulasaran Jenazah di Masjid Jami Al-Muhajirin Pesona, Desa Cilebut Barat, Sukaraja, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Pelatihan pada Minggu (12/01/2025).

BOGOR, WEST JAVA — In response to the lack of amil jenazah in today’s modern era, Dompet Dhuafa once again held a training session for corpse caretakers at Jami Al-Muhajirin Pesona Mosque, West Cilebut Village, Sukaraja, Bogor, West Java. The training on Sunday (12/01/2025) morning did not only consist of material sessions, but also simulations with the theme “Between Sharia and Tradition”.

Dompet Dhuafa’s Head of BARZAH Services, Ustaz Madroi, admitted that he carried out the theme because Indonesian society consists of many traditions and cultures. So that in this matter of funeral arrangements, people often mix traditions and religious law. He said, in sharia it is only obligatory to carry out four steps: bathing, shrouding, praying and burying the body.

“Especially in Indonesia, many of the practices (of funeral arrangements) that are carried out still fall into the category of tradition. It (tradition) should not be blamed or eliminated as long as it has good content, does not damage faith and worship. However, we must also review the funeral arrangements in accordance with Sharia law,” explained Ustaz Madroi with his humorous character, on Sunday (12/01/2025).

Dompet Dhuafa’s Head of BARZAH Services, Ustaz Madroi, explained the Training on Corpse Review at the Jami Al-Muhajirin Pesona Mosque, West Cilebut Village, Sukaraja, Bogor, West Java. The training was held on Sunday (12/01/2025).
Ustaz Madroi simulates the funeral process at the Jami Al-Muhajirin Pesona Mosque, Sukaraja, Bogor, West Java on Sunday (12/01/2025).

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This training was also welcomed by the ranks of the Jami Al-Muhajirin Mosque Welfare Council (DKM). The Chairman of the DKM, Sobirin, expressed his concern regarding the lack of Human Resources (HR) who understand about funeral arrangements in West Cilebut. He hopes that this training can be the beginning of the independence of his congregation.

“There are 14 RTs here. Often the case, when someone dies, we lack human resources (amil jenazah). I hope that after this training, each neighborhood has its own team for funeral arrangements. I am very grateful to the Dompet Dhuafa Team for organizing this training. God willing, in the future there will be more collaboration with the Jami Al-Muhajirin Mosque,” said Sobirin.

The participants also practiced cutting the shroud for the dead.
After the simulation of bathing the corpse, Ustaz Madroi practiced how to move the corpse to the shroud.

A total of 66 participants attended the training. Ranging from the older to the younger generation, they enthusiastically listened to the material and simulations by Ustaz Madroi. The fun way of delivery made Tia (46), one of the training participants, release the negative stigma of funeral arrangements that are synonymous with scary things. She admitted that she wanted to learn so that she could practice it according to the Sharia, if a family member died.

“I have seen a glimpse of a funeral simulation, but this is different. MashaAllah, it’s really cool. The delivery is relaxed, but still systematic and easy to understand. We are not tense and afraid to see the procedures. If necessary, we can hold it again. Thank you Dompet Dhuafa for initiating this training, “he said.

The participants listened cheerfully to the material and simulations delivered by the Head of BARZAH Dompet Dhuafa Services, Ustaz Madroi.
The participants listened to the material and simulations delivered by Ustaz Madroi with great enthusiasm.

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Apart from Tia, something unique happened to Bintang (19) who was spontaneously appointed as a corpse in the simulation that morning. According to her, the experience was also a reminder of death that will happen to everyone on this earth.

“This is the first time I’ve participated in the funeral training. I feel it is my responsibility to learn the procedures according to the Shari’ah. The training did not make me sleepy, because Ustaz Madroi’s delivery was very unique, interspersed with jokes but easy to understand. It didn’t make me sleepy,” said Bintang.

One of the young participants, Bintang (19), volunteered for the funeral practice at Jami Al-Muhajirin Mosque.

At the end, Ustaz Madroi conveyed a profound message to the training participants. According to him, amil jenazah are chosen and noble people. Although amil jenazah is not registered by the state, its presence is very meaningful for families who are grieving, concluded Ustaz Roi. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photo: Hany Fatihah Ahmad

Editor: Dhika