Welcoming Ramadhan, Dompet Dhuafa holds Clean-up Action on Ciliwung River


JAKARTA — Welcoming the holy month of Ramadan, the Disaster Management Center (DMC) Dompet Dhuafa intensified river crossing and cleaning up the Ciliwung river on Saturday (18/3/2023). Doing the activity, DMC Dompet Dhuafa collaborated with the Ciliwung Muara Bersama Community, Trashbag Community, Kertabumi Recycling Center, Dompet Dhuafa Volunteer (DDV), to several Public Figures. They are Dini Andromeda, Ocha Nugraha, Mansu, Martin Rimbawan, and Astri Kelana.

The clean-up action started from the waters in Ciliwung Muara Bersama (CMB), Tanjung Barat, Jagakarsa District to Padepokan Ciliwung Condet (PCC), Balekambang, Kramat Jati District.

It continues beyond the stage of cleaning up waste. The collected waste is then recycled to become ready-to-use and valuable products. Through this activity and other humanitarian programs, DMC Dompet Dhuafa intends to voice and enliven the holy month of Ramadhan 1444 H.

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“This Ramadhan tarhib (welcoming Ramadhan) is designed to increase our concern for the environment. Islam teaches us (ummah) to care about the environment,” explained Arif Rahmadi Haryono, Chief Executive Officer of DMC Dompet Dhuafa, in his speech at CMB when opening this welcoming Ramadhan event.

“Wherever we are, and whatever our condition, either ups or downs, if there is a handful of good on our hands that we can give, so give it. Give it to our friends, our brothers, and the most important thing is that we give it to the environment around us,” Arif continued.

Clean-up action Ciliwung River DMC Dompet Dhuafa.
Clean-up action Ciliwung River DMC Dompet Dhuafa.

After carrying out the river clean-up action, the participants are invited to learn about waste management so that it can become a valuable product together with Kertabumi Recycling Center. Through this waste recycling workshop, participants are expected to be able to create an economic ethos based on concern for the environment.

“It’s nice to be in this activity. We can provide new insights about managing waste. We will continue (to spread insights) about waste recycling management. Thank God the trend is now that people are aware of their environment. So, we are pleased,” explained Santi Novianti, Co-Founder of Kertabumi Recycling Center, after giving the workshop.

“(Despite the current problem), some people consider waste as something that has no value. So, we must educate or change their mindset that waste is something in the economic chain,” continued Santi.

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Clean-up action Ciliwung River DMC Dompet Dhuafa.
Chief Executive Officer of DMC Dompet Dhuafa, Arif Rahmadi H, when giving his speech at the opening of Tarhib Ramadhan

DMC Dompet Dhuafa carries out this effort by inviting all levels of society to play a role and contribute to reducing waste, especially in the Ciliwung River area. Environmental cleanliness is inseparable from human life.

“After crossing the river, we see minimal waste responsibility in the community. This fact can be seen from the crowded garbage in the river and the banks of the Ciliwung river. There is plastic waste listed (expiration date) in 2016. We will find the waste in 2023,” explained Imam Sukamto, Chairman of the Trash bag Community, on the sidelines of the workshop. 

“The waste problem is indeed complex, and it can never be raised (or abolished); at least we can reduce it. We must be accountable for the waste we produce,” Imam Sukamto concluded.

Expert explanation regarding the waste recycling process.
The result of waste recycling.

The Ciliwung River is one of the locations of the DMC Dompet Dhuafa empowerment program called the DMC Dompet Dhuafa Disaster Response and Resilience Area (KTTB) in the Ciliwung base community. Through this summit, it is expected to become a role program to disseminate community understanding and capacity in disaster management, especially in waste management that pollutes the heartstrings of life.

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“There are many positive values, one of which is caring for the surrounding environment by cleaning up garbage scattered in the Ciliwung River. There are also many lessons that we get. We learn about instilling a sense of care for the environment and reprocessing (recycling) into something useful so that waste does not return to scatter,” concluded Lukmi Mubarak participant from Ciaomas, Banten.

With the rise of several natural disasters that occurred in the past month ahead of the holy month of Ramadan, DMC Dompet Dhuafa hopes that the community will increase their insight and capacity in disaster management. The insight and capacity can be from the surroundings or a minor environment for great goals and expectations. Because Earth is Only One, let us close ranks together and strengthen solidarity in protecting Mother Earth and becoming individuals who are Empowered to Face Disasters. (DMC/ADP)