Continuing Saddam Bustomi, Zaini Tafrikhan Officially Leads Dompet Dhuafa Central Java for the 2023-2028 Period

SEMARANG, CENTRAL JAVA — General Manager of Network Development and Economic Independence of Dompet Dhuafa, Udhi Tri Kurniawan, officially appointed Zaini Tafrikhan as Head of the Dompet Dhuafa Central Java Branch for the 2023-2028 period, Wednesday (1/3/2023).

Previously, Zaini Tafrikhan was the Corporate & Partnership Waqf Coordinator in 2021 – 2022. The alumni of the Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy Study Program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta stated that he was ready for the challenge of accelerating the transition process in the branch.

“The acceleration of the transition process in the branch is a challenge. So as a person, Dompet Dhuafa must be ready to go through the process and be willing to play a role anywhere,” said Zaini after the inauguration.

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He also hopes to continue the seeds of goodness pioneered by the previous Head of Dompet Dhuafa Central Java Branch, Ahmad Saddam Bustomi.

“Hopefully, I can continue the seeds of kindness planted by Mr. Sadam, and regrow the empowerment program in Central Java. Thank you, please pray that this mandate goes well, Amiin,” added Zaini.

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The Handover Moment was held between Ahmad Sadam Bustomi as the Head of the Central Java Dompet Dhuafa Branch for 2021-2023. Located at the Dompet Dhuafa Office in Central Java, Sertijab was solemnly witnessed by the ranks of the Dompet Dhuafa team there.

Dompet Dhuafa Central Java is known for its various excellent programs during the service of Ahmad Sadam Bustomi. Some of them are DD Farm sheep farms and BRILian Farm in synergy with YBM BRILian Central Java, initiating the Sedekah Dongeng (Fairy Tale Alms) Program in collaboration with several educational institutions around Semarang City and Kendal Regency where the funds collected are returned in the form of educational scholarship programs. Not only that, Dompet Dhuafa is also known to have held Tabligh Akbar with Da’i Nasional Ust. Zacky Mirza, was also named the third Favorite LAZ in Central Java.

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“Believe me, for me you guys are a good team that should be given the best. 2023 will continue to be a challenge, it must continue to foster more militant motivations not just to work to continue to grow. Grow solidity and remind each other of kindness. Follow the directions and instructions of whoever the leader will be Sam’an wa Tho’atan. I am sure that Dompet Dhuafa Jateng will be better in the future under new leadership, bringing new energy, new spirit with a more positive environment,” said Ahmad Sadam. (Dompet Dhuafa / Central Java / Dhika)