Dai Ambassador Traces the Gait of Indonesian People in Kampung Jawa Thailand

Dai Ambassador Dompet Dhuafa 2024 penugasan Thailand, Ustaz Novi Maulana Yusup

BANGKOK, THAILAND — On Monday (25/3/2024), the Indonesian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Thailand along with staff and Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassadors visited one of the unique and historical mosques in Bangkok, the Javanese Mosque. What makes the mosque unique is its name. Usually, the name of the mosque is identical to Arabic words, but the mosque uses the name of one of the islands or tribes in Indonesia. Moreover, this mosque has the architecture of a joglo house, like houses in Java.

Apart from being unique, the Javanese Mosque also keeps a historical record that is closely related to the footsteps of the Javanese people who migrated to the White Elephant Country. In the January 2020 edition of the memoir book ‘70 Years of Bilateral Relations between Indonesia and Thailand’ printed by the Indonesian Embassy, it was recorded that long after the days of the Srivijaya and Majapahit Kingdoms, around the 12th century, Indonesia had close relations with the kingdom of Thailand. The Javanese community formed a community whose descendants occupied Kampung Jawa in Bangkok, and built a mosque.

It is said that the Javanese Mosque was built on the land of Haji Mohammad Saleh – an overseas Javanese – which he endowed in 1894. Since then, the Javanese community in Bangkok have worked together to build the mosque. To date, the mosque has undergone two restorations, in 1927 and 1975. However, the restoration did not change its original form, especially in the vestibule.

Read also: The Story of Dai Ambassador 2024: Connecting with the Indonesian Ambassador in Bangkok Thailand

Nowadays, the community of Javanese descendants who live in Kampung Jawa is in its third or fourth generation and on average is over 60 years old, where they can no longer speak Javanese or Indonesian. However, the Javanese community members try to preserve their culture and customs, such as the joglo mosque complete with its drum and the NU-style tradition of tahlilan.

The group of approximately 10 people, including Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassadors, arrived half an hour before the Maghrib call to prayer. They were warmly and kindly welcomed by the management of the Javanese Mosque, including the imam of the mosque, Ustaz Idris. Dai Ambassador and his entourage were invited to sit in the corridor in front of the mosque.

The event began with remarks from the mosque management and the recitation of tahlil, surah Yasin, and prayers together. Right after the tahlilan, the Maghrib call to prayer was heard. Treats for takjil were already served on large trays. On each tray were Indonesian specialities, such as kue pukis, kue lapis, martabak, and mango sticky rice. There were also bakpau, dimsum, egg rolls, dates, and ice syrup.

One of the Dai Ambassadors assigned to Thailand, Ustaz Zulfirman, was asked to lead the Maghrib prayer. It seemed that the congregation was so quiet, serene, and solemn in performing the Maghrib prayer. The imam’s recitation was so tartil and melodious.

Read also: Notes of Dai Ambassador Dompet Dhuafa’s Meeting with Many Muslim Brothers in Thailand

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Ambassador to Thailand arrived just before the Maghrib prayer was about to be held and became part of the congregation. After that, the whole group and the congregation headed to the place to break the fast in the corridor and courtyard of the mosque. The food menu was identical to Indonesian specialities. Among them were gulai, grilled chicken, rendang ati, cakes, and oseng capcai udang.

After eating, the Indonesian Ambassador was asked by the DKM of the Javanese Mosque to give a speech, respectful greetings, warm greetings, and messages to the congregation. The goal is to strengthen the relationship between the Kampung Jawa community and the Indonesian people in Bangkok, like their own siblings.

Since Ustaz Novi Maulana was scheduled to lead the Tarawih sermon at the As Safir Mosque of the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok, the Embassy staff ordered a motorbike taxi for him to break through the traffic jam, so that the preacher could reach the mosque and lead the congregation as scheduled. The rest of the group continued their activities together at the Java Mosque until the Tarawih prayer was over.

Hopefully, with visits like this, relations between brothers and sisters will strengthen and make history that we as a great nation have a good share in spreading the full culture of Indonesian society and especially spreading the spread of Islam which is rahmatan lil ‘alamin.

Ustaz Novi Maulana Yusup, Dompet Dhuafa 2024 Dai Ambassador