MAGELANG, CENTRAL JAVA — In an effort to improve medical services and emergency response in the Magelang region, Dompet Dhuafa distributed a new ambulance to serve the local community on Friday (29/9/2023). This ambulance is assistance from the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) whose distribution is entrusted to Dompet Dhuafa.
The ambulance was given to the Primary Clinic of Muhammadiyah University of Magelang (UNIMMA) as part of BPKH’s Kemaslahatan Program to strengthen the health care system in the Magelang region. This ambulance will enable fast and responsive medical services, ensuring that the community has the best access to medical care in emergency situations.
Ambulance Facility
The ambulance of Pratama Clinic UNIMMA is the latest vehicle and is equipped with advanced medical equipment, including oxygen cylinders, resuscitation equipment, and other medical supplies needed in responding to various types of emergencies. In addition, this ambulance is also equipped with a coffin. All of this equipment will help medical personnel provide fast and efficient treatment to patients in need or for the delivery of bodies.
Dr. Sulistyowati, ME, WMI, CFP, as a member of the BPKH HR, Procurement and General, Planning and Assessment Executive Board, said that every building with a large capacity (students, lecturers, etc.) must have an ambulance. So, if one day it is needed, with an ambulance the response will be faster. BPKH itself targets every city to have an ambulance.
Dr. Lilik Andriyani, SE, M.Si as Rector of UNIMMA expressed her gratitude for the extraordinary assistance from Dompet Dhuafa and BPKH who have worked together to facilitate this community vehicle.
“God willing, we will utilize it as optimally as possible for the benefit, especially for the Primary Clinic of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang. Very helpful, supporting the community, especially in the Magelang region,” he said.
Etika Setiawanti as Director of Dompet Dhuafa Resource Mobilization expressed her appreciation for the cooperation between Dompet Dhuafa and BPKH that has been established for 4 years, one of which is the distribution of vehicles that help this community.
“Alhamdulillah, today an ambulance for Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang has been donated. We hope that this ambulance assistance will continue to benefit the entire academic community and students, as well as the community around Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, in order to provide speed and ease of access to health facilities,” concluded Etika. (Dompet Dhuafa/Ariq)