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Our Programs

Since 2001, Dompet Dhuafa has started an active role in the health sector to serve the poor. Through the free health service program or "Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-cuma" (LKC). We carry out various interventions in the health sector. Both preventive, promotive and curative. LKC provides access to proper and optimal health services free of charge for the poor.


Dompet Dhuafa's economic empowerment aims to raise the dignity of mustahik, dhuafa and underprivileged communities with an orientation to increase income. From this program, Dompet Dhuafa donors expect mustahiks to have knowledge about business, the ability to access capital, minimize risk, manage businesses, markets and control economic assets.

Economic Empowerment

Dompet Dhuafa's education program is present to touch students to educators. So that it can form human resources with character and global competence towards an empowered Indonesia.


In the social field, Dompet Dhuafa provides a variety of programs and services for various social problems of the community. Starting from fulfilling basic needs services to the community, both material and spiritual. To emergency response services and post-disaster recovery.


In the Da'wah and Culture program, Dompet Dhuafa develops a variety of activities including the Dompet Dhuafa Dai Corps (Cordofa), Dai Ambasaador, Muallaf Islamic Boarding School, Patient Spiritual Development, Correctional Facility Santri Development, Jenazah Recovery Agency, Jampang Silat Village, Jampang English Village, and Cultural Porch.

Da'wah and Culture

Let's use your waqf for productive programs so that the benefits continue to grow and flow eternally. Our waqf portfolio is extensive, ranging from educational facilities, health facilities, agriculture, mosques, wells and so on.

About us

Dompet Dhuafa is a philanthropic and humanitarian organization engaged in empowering people and humanity. Its empowerment rolls through the management of zakat, infaq, sadaqah and waqf (Ziswaf) funds, as well as other social funds that are managed in a modern and trustworthy manner. In its management, it puts forward the concept of compassion or love as the root of the philanthropic movement that puts forward five pillars of the program, namely Health, Education, Economy, Social, and Da'wah and Culture.

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‘Healthy Endowments for All’ Help Kusmini Get Free Maternity Services

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Dompet Dhuafa’s ‘Water for Life’ Action Map

JAKARTA — The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) report entitled “Drought in Numbers 2022” states that there are 55 million people worldwide who are directly affected by drought […]

Thanks to Donors, Dompet Dhuafa Presents Waqf Wells in Maluku, Buano Residents No Longer Drink Brackish or Salty Water

MALUKU — That afternoon, the sun carried out its role very well. The scorching heat is abundant on the Buano plain, one of the islands in Maluku. The abundant sun […]

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Joy brings us closer, Dompet Dhuafa shares Ramadan gifts for Kendari flood survivors

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Grow Kindness, Share Together, Make Orphans and Dhuafa Happy

JAKARTA — On the second day of Ramadan 1445 H, Wednesday (3/13/2024), the collaboration of kindness between Dompet Dhuafa and Astra Financial rolled again. Through the Growing and Sharing Together […]

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