JAKARTA — With just a few weeks to go until Ramadan, the anticipation for this eagerly awaited month grows. It’s a time when gratitude and joy intimately converge. Maximizing this month, rich in special virtues by engaging in worship and good deeds, allows us to receive blessings from The Most Gracious Provider. Ramadan draws us nearer to acts of kindness, unity, bridges the distance back to our roots, heightens awareness, and connects traders with buyers, recipients with givers. #RamadanBringsUsCloser to The Divine.
For over 30 years, Dompet Dhuafa has committed itself to serve. Striving to uphold its trustworthiness, Dompet Dhuafa continually works towards transparency and accountability, consistently earning community trust. This trust has grown alongside the increase in donations entrusted to Dompet Dhuafa, as well as the confidence of the benefit recipients in the various programs offered.
“Dompet Dhuafa aims to unite and bring all community members together to collaborate in the goodness of Ramadan. By doing so, we hope to significantly impact those in need. Let’s seize Ramadan as an opportunity to draw closer,” stated Rina Fatimah, Chair of Ramadan Dompet Dhuafa 1445 H, on Monday (February 12, 2024) in Jakarta.
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Ramadan Brings Us Closer
To maintain proximity to the mustahiq (those eligible to receive zakat) and donors, Dompet Dhuafa introduces several programs slated for Ramadan 1445 H. These programs include:
Dispensing Zakat al-Fitr
Fulfilling zakat al-fitr is a duty for every Muslim. As a national zakat management organization, Dompet Dhuafa facilitates this obligation, ensuring accurate delivery to the mustahiq. The distribution of Zakat al-Fitr achieves broad reach, extending to all eight asnaf mustahiq nationwide.
For individuals unable to observe the Ramadan fast due to chronic illness, old age, pregnancy, or breastfeeding, compensating with fidyah is prescribed. Dompet Dhuafa accepts fidyah payments, which are then provided to the needy in the form of staple foods or ready-made meals.
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Sharing Suhoor and Iftar Packages
This program aims to assist the fasting needy with suhoor and iftar packages. Target benefit recipients include the impoverished, street sweepers, parking attendants, public transport drivers, congregants of remote prayer halls, orphans, and others.
Qur’an Donation
Recognizing that many needy individuals rely on damaged Qur’ans, making study and memorization difficult, Dompet Dhuafa encourages community support for their aspiration to become Qur’anic generations. Benefit recipients include religious schools, mosques, Islamic education centers, Qur’an learning sites, and individuals.
Braille Qur’an Donation
The high cost of Braille Qur’ans, essential for visually impaired individuals wishing to study Islam, prompted Dompet Dhuafa to initiate a Braille Qur’an Donation program to support their religious learning.
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Honoring Orphans
Dompet Dhuafa brings joy to orphaned children through donations, gifts, parcels, school kits, etc. Activities include distributing School Kits, Shopping with Orphans, Iftar with Orphans, Recreational activities with Orphans, and Cash Donations.

Ramadan Parcels
Dompet Dhuafa supports the needy to ensure a joyous Ramadan, encouraging donors to contribute Ramadan Parcels consisting of food packages and worship kits. Benefit recipients range from street sweepers to the impoverished.
Eid Al-Fitr Bonus for Family Warriors
Not everyone experiences the joy of receiving an Eid bonus. In this blessed month, Dompet Dhuafa shares Ramadan happiness by distributing Eid bonuses to family warriors, providing additional funds for Ramadan and Eid needs.
Bulk Buying Takjil
Supporting SMEs by bulk purchasing their products, or providing cash assistance as business capital. The benefit recipients are SME operators.
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Donating Worship Tools
Among many charitable acts in Ramadan, the Worship Tools Donation Program offers an opportunity to contribute prayer tools to those in need, ensuring they can joyfully perform Ramadan worship.
Ramadan in Palestine
Extending assistance to our brothers and sisters in Palestine to enjoy a joyous Ramadan. Assistance includes Suhoor and Iftar Packages, Emergency Mosque Construction, and Ramadan Gifts.
Dompet Dhuafa invites the community to collaborate in the spirit of #RamadanBringsUsCloser, requiring support from all societal elements to spread smiles of happiness to the needy nationwide. Let’s realize the nobility of #RamadanBringsUsCloser together with Dompet Dhuafa.