Realizing Jakarta Resilient in Facing Disasters, DMC Dompet Dhuafa Equips Jakarta’s Tourism Ambassadors’ Participants (Abang None) South Jakarta 2023 about Disaster Management Science.


SOUTH JAKARTA — The Dompet Dhuafa Disaster Management Center (DMC) provided briefings related to disaster management to hundreds of Jakarta’s Tourism Ambassador (Abang and None) South Jakarta 2023 participants at the South Jakarta Mayor’s Office on Sunday (28/5/2023).

Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Office (Kasudin Parekraf) of South Jakarta City, Rus Suharto, said that he would select from hundreds of participants who registered to become only 15 pairs of finalists.

“In the initial selection, they were given debriefing, insight development and poetry (pantun) practice. Later, it will be filtered into 15 pairs of South Jakarta Abang None Finalists,” said Rus Suharto as quoted from Jakarta News.

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This year, the election of Abang None South Jakarta again included the agenda in the field of disaster management and humanitarian crises. For this reason, DMC Dompet Dhuafa had the opportunity to introduce the world of disaster management to the finalists of Abnon Jaksel 2023.

Shofa Qudus as General Manager of Disaster Risk Reduction DMC Dompet Dhuafa when giving a briefing to the participants of Abnon Jaksel 2023.
The participants of Abnon Jaksel 2023 listened carefully to the presentation from DMC Dompet Dhuafa related to disaster management.

“God willing, from the semi-finalists who have entered the finals, we will continue to provide offline disaster training,” explained Shofa Qudus, General Manager of Disaster Risk Reduction DMC Dompet Dhuafa.

Simran Ranadhia, her nickname is None Simi, said that disaster management was a new thing and knowledge he had received. He was also motivated to learn more about disaster management to practice it for the wider community.

“I see how first to aid and also know (what we should do when a disaster occurs), first what we do when we are somewhere like in a building for example, we must know where the emergency route is to anticipate (when a disaster occurs),” said None Simi who is currently a medical student of one of the state universities in Indonesia.

“I got new knowledge from the presentation (DMC Dompet Dhuafa) earlier. Therefore, I am even more motivated to know how to become a volunteer (disaster management),” continued None Simi.

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Other participants also said the same thing: Annas Farhad, a participant from another university, knows the hard work of becoming a disaster management volunteer.

“There is a lot of knowledge gained, one of which is that I know what is called a disaster and how disaster mitigation is carried out and how volunteers can carry (evacuate) the victims affected by the disaster,” concluded Annas.

“Hopefully, the knowledge I get can be implemented in everyday life and can be useful in future lives,” continued Annas.

Shofa Qudus as General Manager of Disaster Risk Reduction DMC Dompet Dhuafa when giving a briefing to the participants of Abnon Jaksel 2023.
The participants of Abnon Jaksel 2023 listened carefully to the presentation from DMC Dompet Dhuafa related to disaster management.

None Laras, Vice Chair of the 2023 South Jakarta Abang and None Election Event, said that this disaster management briefing is essential as a support for the skills possessed by the participants. We can contribute to the surrounding environment and society by having insight and skills in disaster management.

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“Today, a DMC Dompet Dhuafa team held a disaster management briefing. This briefing is important for participants because we do not know the situations that will be faced (society) later. Therefore, we hope they can know how to deal with disasters if (one day) occurs in the area around them. In addition, I hope that in the future they can implement (what they learned) and benefit the environment,” said Laras.

This disaster management briefing can encourage and create disaster management agents or volunteers throughout the Jakarta area and its surroundings. Thus, being able to reduce the risk of being affected by all types of natural disasters.

“We hope that the Abang and None South Jakarta 2023 participants can know more and be more aware of disasters in their respective regions. Through this briefing, we hope there will be greater and more community participation in disaster management in Indonesia,” Shofa concluded. (Dompet Dhuafa/DMC)