SOUTHEAST SULAWESI — The introductory lecture of the Indonesian Teacher School (SGI) Master Teacher 46 Kendari took place in the third week, Sunday (9/10/2022), at SMPN 9 Kendari, Bende, Kadia District, Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi. All qualified SGI-MT teachers attended the lecture. They passed the selection by the Dompet Dhuafa Human Development Institute (LPI DD) and participated in two meetings, the stadium generale and the super military camp, a few weeks ago.
The lecture began with a morning brief with officers and rules, carried out directly by the master teacher participants and followed by the manager of SGI Dompet Dhuafa Sultra, Guru Isra. After that, it continued with the schedule of entering the class to start lectures. It begins with the class culture of tidying up shoes before entering class neatly arranged.

The primary topic in this opening lecture was Class Action Research (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas/PTK), delivered by Teacher Nardis. Teacher Nardis started the material by reminding again of the rules that SGI Master Teacher 46 participants must follow. He then asked about the application of PTK in each teacher’s classroom. The answers also vary. Some claim to have done so, and some have not. These answers are summarized in a discussion and become an introduction to the material that will be presented to fellow teachers participating in the master teacher.
“The material presented began with discussions and questions with teachers about the culture of classroom action research as a vital part of being carried out by teachers in evaluating and getting solutions to problems faced in their classrooms. PTK teaches us the importance of authorship and reporting in data and providing solutions that can be shared with the general public responsibly,” explained Guru Nardis.

In addition, he also said that PTK is currently very important in addition to the PTS carried out by the principals. Guru Nardis then invited the teachers to write a title about PTK and attach it to the wall to be discussed together. Next, the teachers made a good PTK title. Later, the output of this PTK material is the creation of a journal that can be published and become reference material by the general public.
Also read: 30 Guru SGI Master Teacher #46 Kendari Jalani Latihan Military Super Camp
In the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) session, every 6 (six) teachers form a group. Each group had discussions and worked on the PTK sections of each group. In this way, each teacher will understand more deeply about PTK, making it easier for master teachers to have a habit of researching in class and finding solutions to problems in class.
“After the FGD, products are acquired from the existing discussion from each group and can provide knowledge for other groups as well. Each group gets a section in the form of an introduction, discussion, results, and closing. At the end of this initial lecture, each teacher gets knowledge and product results in each section written from each group,” concluded Guru Nardis explaining each series of this initial lecture. (Dompet Dhuafa / Muthohar)