BEKASI, WEST JAVA — Caring doesn’t always start with big things. Sometimes, it is born from small steps that may look simple but have a tremendous impact. Like an encouraging smile, listening without judgment, a helping hand or giving a little of what we have to others in need.
As the students of Asshodriyah Islamic School did. They care about the freedom of people with disabilities, especially the blind. Collaborating with Dompet Dhuafa, Asshodriyah Islamic School handed over the alms collected from the Market Day Program. The handover of alms was carried out on Friday (13/12/2024) by teachers and student representatives of Asshodriyah Islamic School, Bekasi.
For information, blind people in Indonesia reached four million or 1.5 percent of the total population, based on research by the Australia-Indonesia Disability Research and Advocacy Network (AIDRAN) in 2023.
In addition, according to the Indonesian Muslim Blind Association (ITMI), the majority of blind Muslims in Indonesia are still illiterate in the Qur’an. Through this collaboration, Asshodriyah Islamic School supports the welfare and productivity of visually impaired people.
Market Day itself is a project-based learning model that involves students to reconstruct students’ knowledge and skills in marketing their products to students and teachers through bazaar activities organized by Asshodriyah Islamic School students.
The alms collected through the Market Day were then handed over to Dompet Dhuafa for the Braille Qur’an Alms Program. Alhamdulillah, the alms collected reached a total of IDR 10,500,000.

According to Syifa, a teacher at Asshodriyah Islamic School, this activity was held to foster student awareness by raising funds for the Braille Qur’an charity.
“In addition to this Market Day project teaching transactional between teachers and students, the output of this activity is charity which this year we channeled to the alms of the Braille Al-Qur’an Dompet Dhuafa,” said Syifa.
In line with this, Yudha Andilla as ZIS Retail Fundraising Manager, expressed his gratitude for the concern of Asshodriyah Islamic School students.
“Today I am very happy to meet all of you. From an early age, they have done extraordinary kindness, opening the widest possible opportunity for our deaf friends to learn the Qur’an. Hopefully what these younger siblings have given will be a means for them to be facilitated in learning and achieving their goals,” said Yudha.
In addition to raising awareness, this initiative is also an effort to increase students’ knowledge of the Braille Qur’an.
“That’s why yesterday we asked the Dompet Dhuafa Team to also explain what the Sign Qur’an is, who the beneficiaries are, and where it will be distributed so that children are also educated about this Sign Qur’an,” added Syifa.
From these small steps, kindness spreads, inspires, and slowly creates bigger changes. Because every small step is the beginning of a journey towards a more caring world. Let’s create small steps and support the welfare of the visually impaired through the Braille Qur’an Alms Program . (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photos: Anndini Dwi Putri, Nuriyah
Editor: Dhika