The difference between sacrifice and aqiqah is mandatory for us to know as Muslims. In Islam, we know that many worship practices have deep value and meaning. Two of them are sacrifice and aqiqah. Although both involve the slaughter of animals, there are significant differences in the purpose, implementation, type of slaughter animal, as well as the wisdom behind both.
Definition of Sacrificial Worship
Muslims perform sacrificial services on Eid al-Adha. Sacrifice comes from the word “qurban” which means to draw closer to Allah. In Surah Al-Hajj verse 37, Allah says, ” Neither their meat nor blood reaches Allah. Rather, it is your piety that reaches Him. This is how He has subjected them to you so that you may proclaim the greatness of Allah for what He has guided you to and give good news to the good-doers.” (QS. Al-Hajj: 37).
In Surah Al-Hajj verse 34, Allah also says, “For every community, We appointed a rite of sacrifice so that they may pronounce the Name of Allah over the sacrificial animals He has provided for them. For your God is only One God, so submit yourselves to Him alone. And give good news ˹O Prophet˺ to those who submit obediently (to Allah)” (QS. Al-Hajj: 34).
In the hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad and Ibn Majah, the Prophet SAW said, “Whoever obtains spaciousness but does not sacrifice, let him not approach our place of prayer.”
From the above postulates, we can understand that the main purpose of sacrifice is to draw closer to Allah and express our gratitude and devotion as His servants. In practice, Muslims are encouraged to slaughter livestock, such as sheep, cows, or goats, by following certain provisions.
Also Read: Pengertian Kurban dan Aqiqah yang Wajib Umat Islam Ketahui
Definition of Aqiqah
Unlike sacrifice, Aqiqah is a worship performed as a sign of the birth of a baby. This worship is carried out by slaughtering animals and processed into cuisine. The dishes were then distributed to relatives and neighbours. Aqiqah is generally performed on the seventh day after the baby’s birth, but some perform it on the fourteenth or twenty-first day.
Linguistically, aqiqah comes from the word “aqqaqa, ” meaning to cut or cut. In other words, namely al-‘aqiqah or al-‘iqqah, which means the baby’s hair carried away is born from the mother’s womb. Both words are used as the term aqiqah which means the slaughter of animals and cutting the baby’s hair to welcome his birth.
A hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, “Every child is bound by his aqiqah. Slay for your son and name him.”
From Samurah bin Jundab he said: The Prophet said, “Every baby is pawned with his aqiqah, slaughtered (goat) for him on the seventh day, shaved and named.” [Saheeh, Hadith Narrated Abu Dawud 2838, Tirmidhi 1552, Nasa’I 7/166, Ibn Majah 3165, Ahmad 5/7-8, 17-18, 22, Ad Darimi 2/81, and others]
From Aisha he said: The Prophet said, “The baby boy is qiqahi with the same two goats and the baby girl with one goat.” [Saheeh, Hadith Narrated by Ahmad (2/31, 158, 251), Tirmidhi (1513), Ibn Majah (3163), with sanad hasan]
From the postulates of the hadith, it can be understood that the main purpose of aqiqah is to welcome the birth of a baby with gratitude to Allah Almighty.
Also Read: Kapan Sebaiknya Aqiqah Dilaksanakan Menurut Sunah Nabi, Apa Boleh saat Sudah Dewasa?
Can Sacrifice and Aqiqah Be Performed Simultaneously?
Sacrifice and aqiqah have something in common. That is, equally slaughtering farm animals. This equation sometimes raises the question of whether it is permissible for sacrifice and aqiqah to be intended simultaneously on one animal. That is, one sacrifice aims at sacrifice as well as aqiqah.
The Thoughts of Sacrifice and Aqiqah Can Be Combined
There are several understanding (Terdapat beberapa pandangan) on combining sacrifice and aqiqah. The first opinion came from Mahzab Imam Hanbali, Imam Hanafi, and several other scholars such as Hasan Basri, Ibn Sirin, and Qatadah. They argue that if the time of sacrifice coincides with the time of aqiqah, then it is permissible to do only one type of sacrifice, namely aqiqah.
In the book Mushonnaf Ibn Abi Shaiba, Al-Hasan al-Bashri said, “If a child wants to be thanked with a sacrifice, then the sacrifice can be one with aqiqah.”
Hisyam and Ibn Sirin also said. “It is still considered valid if sacrifice is combined with aqiqah. Sacrifice in the child’s name, can be simultaneously for aqiqah.”
So that it can be concluded that sacrifice and aqiqah can be intended simultaneously, provided that the time of implementation of aqiqah coincides with the sacrifice. However, on the other hand, a second opinion disagrees with this thought.
Also Read: Kurban dan Aqiqah, Mana yang Lebih Utama?
Understanding of Aqiqah and Sacrifice Should Not Be Combined
The second opinion came from Imam Shafi’i, Imam Malik, and Imam Ahmad. They say that aqiqah and sacrifice should not be combined. The reason is that the two services have different purposes and causes. Sacrifice aims to redeem ourselves, showing our sacrifice as obedient Muslims to Allah. Sdangkan aqiqah aims to redeem the child born, that is, to be grateful for the presence of the child coming into the world.
This is affirmed in Mawsu’ah Al Fiqhiyyah Al Kuwaitiyyah which explains, Aqiqah is carried out to be grateful for the blessings of the birth of a child, while the sacrifice is grateful for the blessings of life and is carried out on the day of An Nahr (Eid al-Adha).
One of the Shafi’iyah scholars, al-Haitami also said, “This is more appropriate because the purpose of sacrifice and aqiqah is different.”
Aqiqah and sacrifice cannot be performed at once, because they are different. So what are the differences between sacrifice and aqiqah (perbedaan kurban dan aqiqah)?
The Difference Between Sacrifice and Aqiqah
There are several differences between performing sacrifice and aqiqah. It is the basis for why these two types of worship cannot be carried out simultaneously. Here is the difference between sacrifice and aqiqah:
Purpose of Implementation
The main difference between sacrifice and aqiqah lies in the purpose for which it is performed. as a form of sacrifice to Allah and commemorating the story of Prophet Ibraham (AS) who was ready to sacrifice his son. This story also shows the sacrifices of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail as a test of loyalty to Allah SWT. While aqiqah is carried out at the birth of a baby, to express gratitude for the power of Allah, who has brought children to human life.
The Difference in the Time of Sacrifice and Aqiqah
Sacrifices are performed on Eid al-Adha (10 Dhul-Hijjah) and on Tasyrik (11,12,13 Dhul-Hijjah) every year. Sacrifices can be made annually while able. While aqiqah can be done at any time after the baby’s birth, preferably on the seventh, fourteenth or twenty-first day, and is only done once in a lifetime.
Also Read: Selain Ibadah Haji dan Kurban, Ini Amalan Bulan Zulhijah yang Pahalanya Berlipat
The Difference Between Sacrifice and Aqiqah Lies in the Type of Farm Animals Slaughtered
The next difference between sacrifice and aqiqah lies in the type of livestock slaughtered. Kurban has many choices for slaughtering goats/sheep, cows, and camels. While aqiqah is limited to only two types of animals, namely goats and sheep.
Number of Sacrificial Animals and Aqiqah That Can Be Slaughtered
The difference between aqiqah and sacrifice can also be seen from the number of animals that can be slaughtered. The number of livestock that can be slaughtered at sacrificial services has no limit. This means that as long as you still have the ability, you can slaughter any amount that can be afforded. While the aqiqah worship, we all know there are restrictions, namely one tail for baby girls and two tails for baby boys.
Forms of Distribution of Livestock Slaughter Results
Furthermore, there are differences in the form of division. The sacrificial service that can be distributed to people is in the form of raw meat. This means that it is immediately distributed as soon as the animal is finished slaughtering and dismembering. While in the aqiqah worship that is distributed is in the form of ready-to-eat food or meat from livestock that has been slaughtered first processed/cooked and then distributed to people.
Also Read: Kurban via Online, Bolehkah dalam Islam?
Scatter Sacrificial Animals in Dompet Dhuafa
Sacrifice provides many spiritual and social benefits. Friends, don’t miss this blessed worship. Friends can participate in spreading the blessings of sacrificial animals with Dompet Dhuafa to remote parts of the country. Click the following link.