These 7 Virtues of Almsgiving in the Month of Ramadan Based on Hadith

ilustrasi, zakat, infak, sedekah, sedekah subuh

The historical hadith of Bukhari mentions that the Messenger of Allah Saw is a creature of Allah Swt who is very generous or happy to give alms, especially during Ramadan. In fact, the generosity of the Prophet Muhammad Saw in Ramadan is likened to the wind blowing. As Ibn Abbas said radhiyallahu ‘anhu:

“It is the Prophet Saw that the most generous person in his kindness and generous nature increases in the month of Ramadan when the angel Gabriel meets Him Prophet Saw to teach the Quran. Jibril ‘alaihissalam used to come to him every night of Ramadan until the end of the month. Every night, the Prophet always gave his Quranic recitation to Gabriel. When Gabriel ‘alaihissalam meets him, he is very generous to kindness beyond the wind that blows.” (HR. Al-Bukhari 1769 and Muslim 4268)

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So, why is the month of Ramadan special so that the Prophet Muhammad Saw he did more good and alms in the month of Ramadan?

Illustration of fasting in Ramadan.

Why is Ramadan Special?

Muslims are no strangers to Nuzulul Quran or the day the Quran is handed down, which is on the 17th of Ramadan. This event is undoubtedly a special moment because the Quran is a handle and guide for life for Muslims. In addition, this event is also clear evidence that the month of Ramadan is a glorious month, as Ibn Katsir said in his interpretation which reads:

“Allah Ta’ala praises the month of Ramadan among other months, namely by choosing it as the month in which the Quran al-Azhim is derived.” (Tafsir Ibn Katsir, 1/501)

Ibn Katsir’s presentation above is an explanation of the word of Allah Swt in the Quran surah Al-Baqarah verse 185 which reads:

“The month of Ramadan, the month in which the Quran is derived (the beginning of) the Quran as a guide for man and explanations of that instruction and the distinction (between the right and the vanity).”

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Illustration of giving alms to the poor.

It is not only the book of the Quran that Allah chose to descend in the month of Ramadan. Other books given to chosen prophets also occur in the month of Ramadan. The Book of Zabur is handed down to the 6th of Ramadan, while the Torah and the Gospels are handed down on the same date, but in different years, namely the 12th of Ramadan.

Because it became the month of the perfect descent of the book, Allah also inserted His other goodness in the month of Ramadan which later became the speciality of the month of Ramadan. These features include the granting of prayers, the multiplication of rewards, the opening of the doors of heaven, and making them full of blessings.

7 Virtues of Almsgiving in Ramadan

As previously explained, the holy month of Ramadan has been perfected by Allah Swt with a series of privileges and virtues. If we as Muslims live the month of Ramadan by the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad Saw, then we will get a reply that is by what we do.

Therefore, it is unsurprising that Prophet Saw became more generous during Ramadan. The reason is the rewards that will be obtained from carrying out Ramadan worship and almsgiving will be many times more than imagined. Here are the 7 virtues of almsgiving based on the hadis Nabi Saw and the word of Allah Swt:

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Illustration of almsgiving

Sins Abolished

The Prophet Saw said: “Almsgiving can wash away sins as water extinguishes fire.” (HR Tirmidzi)

Get Multiple Rewards

“Verily those who give alms both male and female and lend Allah a good loan, will undoubtedly be multiplied (the reward) to them; and for them a great deal of merit.” (QS. Al-Hadid: 18)

Treasures Become Blessings

The Prophet Saw said: “Wealth will not be diminished by almsgiving. And a forgiving servant will surely Allah add authority to him.” (HR. Muslim, no. 2588)

Enter Heaven Through a Special Door

“The man who gives two treasures in the way of Allah will be called by one of the doors of heaven: “O servant of Allah, come here to enjoy.” If he comes from the class of people who like to set up prayers, he will be called from the door of prayer, who comes from among the mujahids, then he will be called from the door of jihad, if he comes from the group that likes to give alms, he will be called from the door of almsgiving.” (HR. Bukhari no.3666, Muslim no. 1027)

Free from the Torment of the Grave

The Prophet Saw said: “Almsgiving will extinguish the fire of torment in the tomb.” (HR. Thabrani, in shahih Al Albani in Shahih At Targhib, 873)

The Heart Becomes Airy and Happy

“The parable of a person who is stingy with someone who gives charity is like two people who have armour, which when worn covers the chest to the crotch. People who give alms feel his clothes are roomy and loose against his skin because of his alms. It was to the extent that his fingertips were invisible and his armour left no marks on his skin. Whereas a stingy person, he feels every circumference of his armour firmly attached to his skin because of his stinginess. He tried to loosen it up but couldn’t.”

Get Shade in the Final Day

Rasulullah Saw tells the story of seven types of human beings who get shade in the last day, a day on which there is no other shade than from Allah. One kind of human being who gets it is: “A man who gives alms with his right hand, he hides his charity to the point that his left hand does not know what his right hand is giving away.” (HR. Bukhari no. 1421)

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The series of virtues of almsgiving mentioned above is not only given in the month of Ramadan, but is given by Allah Swt to all His servants who give alms in any month. However, imagine what if the virtues of Ramadan and the virtues of almsgiving were combined at one time? How remarkable he is as it is said in the hadith of the Prophet Saw:

“Indeed, in heaven, there are rooms whose outside can be seen from the inside and the inside can be seen from the outside. Allah bestows it upon the one who says good, gives alms to food, fasts, and prays when most men sleep.” (HR At-Tirmidzi no.1984)

For this reason, it will not lose money for anyone who does alms in the month of Ramadan, because he will get a lot of good and reward that will be his provision in the hereafter. Wallahu’alam..