Top Brand Award 2022: Dompet Dhuafa The Best Charity and Zakat Agency According to the Public


Dompet Dhuafa won the Top Brand Award 2022 as the Best Zakat and Charity Agency in the eyes of the public in the Service Category, both offline and online. In this event, Dompet Dhuafa occupies the second best position after Badan Amil Zakat Nasional or BAZNAS (National Amil Zakat Agency) with a Top Brand Index (TBI) value of 14.50 percent.

The Top Brand Award, which has 500 award categories, is held three times a year, namely in the Top Brand Award Phase 1, Phase 2, and Top Brand for Kids & Teens. This is done because this award event has a large number of categories and the Service Category won by Dompet Dhuafa was carried out in Phase 2.

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Dompet Dhuafa became the best Zakat and Charity Agency for the Category of Service in Top Brand Award 2022

The winners of the Top Brand Award are selected based on the results of the Top Brand Index (TBI) survey conducted independently by Frontier Research. This survey is conducted to find out and understand the performance of a brand as measured in Mind Share, Market Share, and Commitment Share.

The Top Brand Award Phase 2 survey itself involved 12,000 respondents spread across a total of 15 cities in Indonesia, both men and women aged 15-65 years. The interview process was conducted face-to-face and it used a structured questionnaire specifically designed to measure three Top Brand parameters, namely Top of Mind, Last Usage & Future Intentions.

An explanation of the three parameters of Top Brand, the first is Top of Mind, to find out whether a brand is the first brand spoken by the respondent or not; secondly Last Usage to find out whether the brand mentioned is the last brand used or consumed by the respondent or not; and thirdly Future Intention to find out whether respondents have a desire to use or re-consume the brand in the future.

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Illustration of online almsgiving in Dompet Dhuafa

After obtaining the data, then the three values are calculated for each brand. The calculation then results in the Top Brand Index (TBI) value for each brand. The TBI is what further determines whether a brand can be included in the list of Top Brand brands or not.

The Top Brand Award is then given to a brand if the brand has two criteria: having a TBI value of at least 10 percent, and occupying the top three positions in the product category according to the survey results. These two criteria must be qualified by a brand to be able to hold the title of Top Brand.

Thus, through research and awards given by the Top Brand Award, it can be concluded that Dompet Dhuafa is one of the best Zakat and Charity Agencies and is trusted by the public.