Umar ibn Abdul Aziz is a caliph renowned for his inspiring exemplary stories. Known for his decisiveness, justice, and focus on his people’s prosperity, Umar was the great-grandson of Umar ibn Khattab. He was even nicknamed Umar II due to his noble character. Let’s explore his admirable qualities worth emulating by Muslims.
The Praiseworthy Traits of Umar ibn Abdul Aziz
1. High Zeal for Learning Islam & Devotion to Allah SWT
From a young age, Umar ibn Abdul Aziz was deeply engaged in studying the Quran and delving into Islam with scholars in Medina. It’s no surprise that Umar was intelligent and had a comprehensive understanding of Islam. As a caliph, Umar upheld Islamic teachings and was firm in his decisions, strictly adhering to Islamic values and Allah SWT’s commands.
2. A Renowned Ascetic Leader
Umar was known as a leader who practiced zuhud, distancing himself from worldly and material wealth. Despite his father, Abdul Aziz, being a leader in Egypt for 20 years, Umar was never tempted by material wealth from a young age. As a caliph, Umar ibn Abdul Aziz did not own many clothes and wore simple attire. His wife, Fatimah, was also advised against wearing jewelry.
3. A Leader Who Eradicated Corruption
Upon his appointment as Caliph, Umar demonstrated his firm stance against government officials engaged in corruption. He dismissed corrupt Umayyad officials indiscriminately. Umar focused on eradicating corruption to ensure prosperity for the people and eliminate unjust officials. He replaced all corrupt officials with trustworthy and righteous individuals.
Baca Juga: Pengelolaan Zakat di Masa Kekhalifahan Umar bin Abdul Aziz
4. Prosperity of the People Through Zakat
Caliph Umar was renowned for his economic skills and accurate zakat management. The people were so prosperous that it became challenging for the Caliph to find zakat recipients. This situation led the Caliph to find solutions for proper zakat distribution, such as paying off debts for those still in debt and marrying off Muslim couples who were unmarried, along with providing their dowries.
The Importance of Zakat for Muslims
With zakat, Muslims can experience prosperity. Zakat plays a role in creating social balance as the collected zakat funds are distributed fairly and accurately to the people. As Muslims, we need to give a portion of our wealth to those in need. InshaAllah, zakat will purify us. Donate your zakat to Dompet Dhuafa, a trusted and professional zakat management organization.Click here to channel your zakat.