JAKARTA — The Cianjur earthquake has moved all elements of society. Not only humanitarian agencies, but celebrities, musicians, artists and stakeholders also sympathized and were moved to help the people affected by the Cianjur Earthquake.
Through the Humanesia program, Dompet Dhuafa invites a number of elements of society, both communities and other stakeholders, to jointly help people affected by the Cianjur Earthquake by donating. This synergy is a form of unity in rolling out the Humanesia program.
Together with musicians, influencers, and volunteers, on Monday (28/11/2022), Dompet Dhuafa held #SoundOfHumanity at Gading Festival, RT.8 / RW.5, Rawa Terate, Sedayu City, North Jakarta to work together to voice the value and spirit of goodness. Before the event began, Humanesia Dompet Dhuafa had first held a press conference with a series of musicians, influencers, and volunteers involved.

In this event, Suci Nuzleni Qadarsih as General Manager of Marketing Communication Dompet Dhuafa, Haryo Mojopahit as Head of Disaster Management Center (DMC), and Patricia Veronica as Marketing Communication Department Head Sedayu City were also present. Dompet Dhuafa also initiated this activity by collaborating with Mr. Jarwo, Indra The Rain, Vikri Rasta, Marjinal, Aldi Taher, Abdel Achrian, and Dini Andromeda.
On this occasion, Suci hopes that Dompet Dhuafa can continue to collaborate with many parties so that more beneficiaries are helped.
“Hopefully we can expand cooperation with many parties, collaborate so that there are more benefits,” said Suci.
In line with this, Haryo explained to the media the steps that had been taken by Dompet Dhuafa to help people affected by the disaster in Cianjur.
Read also: BPKH and Dompet Dhuafa Work Together to Distribute Kitchen Kits to Cianjur Earthquake Survivors
“Dompet Dhuafa together with DMC has so far provided assistance in the form of logistics, emergency tents, medical assistance, referral to hospitals, patient transportation, disaster psychology services, and social psychology for the elderly so as not to stress, assisted by UI psychologists,” explained Haryo.
So far, DMC together with the National Search and Rescue Agency (BASARNAS) team have managed to find a total of 14 people missing due to the impact of the disaster, 312 victims died, and 79,000 houses were destroyed. Meanwhile, there are also a series of urgent needs that are currently needed by refugees, such as tarpaulins, sleeping mats, clothes and so on.

“What is needed now are tarpaulins, sleeping mats, new clothes, especially men, and we do not accept used clothes,” Haryo continued.
On the other hand, Patricia Veronica as Marcomm Sedayu City expressed her great gratitude to Dompet Dhuafa, for being able to collaborate in kindness.
“We are very supportive of what can be given, such as this food court,” said Patricia.
Read also: Building a Protein Bank, Dompet Dhuafa Helps Strengthen Food Security After the Cianjur Earthquake
Meanwhile, from the side of the performers, Marginal, Vikri Rasta, and Aldi Taher hope that events like this are not just done once, but can be consistent and continue to be carried out to respond and help victims affected by disasters, which may occur in the future, so that the victims can recover.
“Hopefully this kind of spirit will not only react to disasters, events like this will continue to run, and be ready if a disaster occurs,” said Marjinal.
“Thespirit must be maintained. Hopefully, don’t just focus on the front or the guest stars, but focus on everyone present,” said Vikri Rasta.
“I thank Sedayu City for providing the venue and the media. Hopefully Cianjur will recover like Aceh did,” Aldi hopes.
Mr. Jarwo as the performer also thanked Dompet Dhuafa for being invited to join the collaboration. Furthermore, Mr. Jarwo said that he would perform a song that he created himself in the #SoundOfHumanity Humanesia Dompet Dhuafa event. He hopes that the song can bring benefits, because the song contains prayers and so on.
Dimas on his occasion said that he was grateful to be able to collaborate with Dompet Dhuafa since the Millennial Build a Mosque program and hoped that today’s event would produce a lot of sustenance that could be distributed to Cianjur.
In this press conference, musicians, artists and celebrities explained that they were auctioning off a number of their favorite items, including Indra Prasta, the vocalist of The Rain who dared to auction off his favorite guitar named “Si Penawar Letih”, then there was Aldi Taher who also auctioned off his favorite guitar and the sweater he wore when making the video clip for his song. The proceeds from the auction of these items 100 percent will be allocated to ease the burden on the people affected by the Cianjur Earthquake disaster. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muhaitsam)