Mobile Kitchen Provides Warmth in the Middle of Food Crisis after Manggarai Fire

Warga mengantre kudapan dari Dapur Keliling yang hadir di Bali Matraman, Manggarai, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (22/8/2024).

JAKARTA — A food crisis occurred after a severe fire tragedy hit Kampung Bali Matraman, Manggarai, South Jakarta on Tuesday morning, August 13, 2024. Agricultural land and gardens were burned, which resulted in the loss of the local community’s main source of food. Damaged food distribution infrastructure also worsened the situation, making it difficult for people to get food supplies and other basic needs. Responding to this problem, Dompet Dhuafa through the Community Service Agency (LPM) came with a Mobile Kitchen (Darling) to meet the food needs of fire survivors.

The mobile kitchen was present at the main evacuation post located in the parking lot of Agung Manggarai Hospital, Jl. Padang No. 5, Pasar Manggis, Setiabudi District, Jakarta. The mobile kitchen provides free snacks and hot drinks to the survivors, helping to fulfill their basic needs during this difficult time.

It is known that when the incident occurred, the fire quickly spread through densely populated settlements, burning hundreds of houses, resulting in huge material losses. Thousands of residents were left homeless. According to data from the Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), the number of residents affected by the Manggarai fire was 3,332 people from 1,172 families. The number of victims is spread across 21 RT and 3 RW, namely 05, 06, and 12.

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Situation after the fire in Kampung Bali Matraman, Manggarai, South Jakarta, Thursday (8/22/2024).

Mustaki, Program Manager of LPM Dompet Dhuafa, explained that the Mobile Kitchen has been present since H+1 after the fire. Every day, the Mobile Kitchen provides snacks three times, namely morning, afternoon and evening with a total of 600 servings. The snacks provided vary according to the needs of the victims. Meanwhile, drinks are always available 24 hours with a refill system that makes it easier for residents.

“We provide Warm Post with cakes, bread, snacks, coffee, milk, tea, and iced melon syrup. These food and soft drinks are an additional intake in addition to the main food menu that has been provided by the Social Service,” he explained, Thursday (8/22/2024).

The community response to Dompet Dhuafa’s initiative was very positive. People affected by the fire expressed their gratitude for the assistance provided. One resident, Yuli (38), said, “The service is very good, the people are friendly, and the food provided is very diverse. We here are happy to be able to get free food and drink with good service, especially in difficult times like now”.

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Residents visited the LPM Dompet Dhuafa Mobile Kitchen at the main fire post in Kampung Bali Matraman, Manggarai, South Jakarta, Thursday (8/22/2024).
Residents enjoy snacks served by the LPM Dompet Dhuafa Mobile Kitchen at the main fire post in Kampung Bali Matraman, Manggarai, South Jakarta, Thursday (8/22/2024).

Until now, the fires that ravaged Manggarai are still causing grief. More than 3,000 people were forced to flee because their homes were burned down after the fire. The incident that occurred on August 13, 2024 also caused residents to lose their livelihoods, the majority of whom work as traders and manual laborers.

Hopefully the distribution of food through the Mobile Kitchen will become a joint commitment between the donor’s good trust and LPM Dompet Dhuafa as an extension of the community to do good. This action is part of LPM Dompet Dhuafa’s ongoing efforts to ensure that the basic needs of the community are met, especially in crisis situations. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photos: Anndini Dwi Putri, Naufal LPM
Editor: Dhika