Muharram Week 1445 H, Aliya Integrated Islamic Elementary School Hands Over Donations through Dompet Dhuafa for Orphans

Pekan Muharram 1445 H di SDIT Aliya

BOGOR — Aliya Bogor Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) gave donations to Dompet Dhuafa on Friday (4/8/2023). The donation of Rp 7 million was collected from students who set aside some of their money. Not only that, the involvement of parents and teachers also glorified the beloved child of the Holy Prophet.

For approximately two weeks, the teacher council of SDIT Aliya opened an invitation to students and parents for this donation. The SDIT Aliya Muharram Week event culminated in the school environment in Bubulak Village, West Bogor, Bogor City, where the school handed over donations to Dompet Dhuafa.

Hilda Nurul Fauziah, a Qur’an Teacher of SDIT Aliya, explained that this activity commemorated the month of orphans, namely the month of Muharram in the Hijri year. He said the school wants to instil good values in children and to educate them so that they care for others, especially for children their age who are less fortunate, namely those left behind by their parents.

 Baca juga: Muharram Fest 1445 H, Dompet Dhuafa Ajak Puluhan Anak Yatim Lampung Bertamasya dan Berbelanja

Pekan Muharram 1445 H di SDIT Aliya
Kak Miftah brought Islamic stories as well as providing motivation at the end of his session.
Pekan Muharram 1445 H di SDIT Aliya
The students of grades 4-6 of Aliya Integrated Islamic Elementary Scholl were very enthusiastic and enthusiastic about listening to the stories told by Kak Miftah.

“We also instil in children that caring for orphans is something that the Prophet did daily,” he said.

Representing the students, parents, and the school teacher council, Hilda is eager for the orphans to get proper welfare like other children.

“Hopefully, our younger brothers and sisters, our orphaned children everywhere, can get more welfare. They should also get the same opportunities and viability of life as other children in general. Especially for us as Muslims, we must always care about our orphaned younger brothers and sisters,” he continued.

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On the same occasion, the Fundraising Officer of Dompet Dhuafa School Network, Neng Nadiyya Syaima welcomed this kind of cooperation. He said that Dompet Dhuafa is currently intensively opening good collaborations for people to glorify orphans. This collaboration coincides with the beginning of each Hijri year, as it is considered the month of orphans. Even so, activities to glorify orphans will continue throughout the year.

Pekan Muharram 1445 H di SDIT Aliya
Kak Miftah brought Islamic stories as well as providing motivation at the end of his session.
Pekan Muharram 1445 H di SDIT Aliya
Kak Sufi and his doll take turns telling Islamic tales.

“We will distribute this donation as expected by the school trustfully. Dompet Dhuafa, as a bridge between donors and beneficiaries, is very grateful for this noble trust,” said Nadiyya.

This collaboration is not the first for Aliya Integrated Islamic School with Dompet Dhuafa. Previously, SDIT Aliya students had raised donations intended for brothers and sisters hit by the Cianjur Earthquake. Previously, the same thing was done for brothers and sisters who were hit by the disaster of Mount Semeru’s hot cloud fall in Lumajang.

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In addition to handing over the donation results, Aliya Integrated Islamic Elementary School Muharram Week event was also enlivened by storytellers presented by Dompet Dhuafa to entertain the students. They are Kak Waro Sufi Alkarim, who filled the storytelling session for grade 1-3 elementary school students, and Kak Miftah for grade 4-6 elementary school students. The students and teachers were very enthusiastic about listening to every story that contained the Islamic moral message of the two storytellers.

Pekan Muharram 1445 H di SDIT Aliya
One of the SDIT Aliya students repeated the important points of the moral message from the story conveyed by Kak Sufi.
Pekan Muharram 1445 H di SDIT Aliya
Symbolic handover of the donation of Glorify the orphans (Muliakan Anak Yatim) by SDIT Aliya to Dompet Dhuafa.

“We always hope that this good cooperation will continue indefinitely. Maybe it can also be broader in other fields besides humanitarian donations,” concluded Hilda to Dompet Dhuafa at the end of the event. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)