THAILAND — After a 3-year hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Dompet Dhuafa is back to running the Dai Ambassador program in 2023. Dai Ambassador is an international da’wah program run by Cordofa that sends reliable preachers to various countries during Ramadan. This program has been implemented since 2013.
In 2023, Dompet Dhuafa will send 24 Dai abroad to preach Islamic da’wah. Two of them were sent to Bangkok, Thailand. They are Ustaz Dasram Effendi and Ustaz Engkos Kosasih. On Wednesday (5/4/2023), the two Dai Dompet Dhuafa were picked up by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) Thailand. Then, they went directly to the partner location at Jalan Soi Charoen rat 1 Yaek 9, yan Nawa, Sathon, Bangkok. The trip takes about an hour.
“The first glance was so memorable, along the way we observed the surroundings. The neat traffic conditions, compliance of Thai people with traffic rules, and towering buildings add to our impression,” Ustaz Dasram told Dompet Dhuafa.
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Arriving at the destination, you can see a sign that reads “Masjid Jawa” on a mosque fence wall. Below it is also written Thai script derived from Brahmi and Pallawa script from India. The ornaments of the mosque are not much different from mosques in Indonesia. From there, it can be guessed that the environment around the mosque is filled with Muslim communities from Java.
Sure enough, after Ustaz Dasram Effendi heard the story the village was a Java Village filled with Central Javanese who migrated to the White Elephant Country. Ustaz Dasram and Ustaz Engkos were warmly welcomed by the elders there, including Rangsan Binkamson.
It is known, Rangsan has been a Thai citizen since decades ago. In the 1970s, he received religious education at Al Azhar University and has been here for almost three generations. That way, the communication obstacles of the Dai Dompet Dhuafa with residents can be overcome well because they can communicate in Arabic or English.
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Based on Rangsan’s narration, the Jawa Mosque was established approximately 150 years ago. It wasn’t a short time. Rangsan said that in the past, his grandfathers in the Dutch era went to Thailand to help the kingdom in plantations, parks, and so on. Some go on Hajj and the destination of their return is Thailand. They left behind their children and wives in Indonesia, explained Rangsan, who is also often nicknamed Muslim. He also said that the Jawa Mosque was a waqf of one of KH Ahmad Dahlan’s children who had long been domiciled in Thailand.
“This is proof of how people used to maintain good relations with the Thai government,” said Ustaz Dasram.

On the other hand, Ustaz Dasram also found something unique after a long conversation with the management of the Jawa Mosque, namely that Thai people respect differences. Even so, the outside culture looks accessible and easy to enter Thailand.
In addition, the government specially regulates the duties of imams, khatibs, and bilals in Thailand. All three are officially elected by the congregation and known to the government which is regulated through official regulations. The period also varies. The elected imam will serve for life, while the khatib and bilal have a maximum span of 4 years.
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Every mosque in Thailand is under the command of the Grand Sheikh. Above the Grand Sheikh are specially created religious committees in each province. Of the total number of 76 provinces in Thailand, only about 33 provinces have mosques and there are Muslims.
In Ramadan 1444 H this year, the Jawa Mosque held a joint iftar for all pilgrims. The activity began 30 minutes before iftar time with the recitation of Surah Yasin and selected verses, then closed with a prayer. After that, there is iftar and a big meal. The congregation sponsors all of it for the congregation.
The congregation of the Jawa Mosque is also very diverse, coming from across countries. There are also expatriates from various countries and also academics. They come from Pakistan, Malaysia, Africa, as well as Indonesia. It is with that diversity that they blend in and become a family.
“From the story above, we remember an Arabic proverb which means: ‘Wherever the sky is upheld, then there you are responsible for Islam’ and the words of the Prophet (saw): ‘if you want a long life and cheap sustenance, then continue to establish friendship’,” said Ustaz Dasram.
“The presence of the Jawa Mosque in the center of Thailand is evidence of the strong history of good relations and friendship maintained by his predecessors,” he concluded. (Dompet Dhuafa/Dai Ambassador Dasram Effendi/Ronna)